Chapter 36

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I last remember being kidnapped. I remember the wooden floors and walls. I remember being tied up. It feels like I'm on a bed now. Please tell me I can move... I use all my strength and try to push myself up using my hands and arms as I open my eyes.

I let out a painful groan, I don't get very far before I feel a terrible aching and burning pain in my abdomen. My vision is blurry and I am now aware of the beeping noise from beside me. I feel something squeeze my hand and I turn my head. It's someone with brunette hair... My wrists are hurting so bad.

Oh please just let this all just be a nightmare.

"Hey hey hey, shhh. It's me. It's Martijn. Lay down please. " he says and gently pushes me back.

"M-Martijn ?" I ask him and my lips quiver.

"Yes yes, it's me. It's me Rosie. " he holds my hand to his chest and it's so warm, even through his clothing. My vision is still blurry but now it's because of tears.

"Whe-where a-are they ?" I say, referring to my two kidnapers. I squeeze his hand, my breathing shaky.

"One of them is being held in custody at the station and I think the other is in hospital as well. " he answers me calmly. The tears spill out of my eyes.

He strokes my hair with his hand and then wipes my tears away. I try to keep my breathing in control and take deep breaths. He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead and rests his cheek on top of my head. He strokes my hand with his thumb and stays like that till I've calmed down.

"I'm going to call your mom now okay ?" He asks me, moving away slightly. I tilt my head up and my eyes widen.

"My mother ? You told her ?!" I shriek.

"She's your mother Roseanne. I'd rather her hear it personally than in the media. What's she going to think if I didn't even bother to tell her ?" He says, lifting an eyebrow.

"Okay. " I croak at him. I watch him as he moves even further away, he starts to walk to the door.

"Ma-Martijn!" I call him as his hand grabs the door handle. He half turns around and looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Please don't leave me..." I say quietly.

"You don't want me to go outside ?" He questions me and I shake my head. Another tear falls from my right eye.

"Then I'm not going anywhere. " he promises and strides back over, wiping the tear away with the back of his hand.

"When can I get out of here ?" I ask him after a bit. He's had his down and been typing on his phone.

"Hmm. " he hums and looks up at me with his eyebrows raised.

"When can I get out of here ?" I repeat the question.

"I don't know as yet baby, it all depends on how you recover. " he answers.

Martin's POV

I was so happy to be there when she woke up. I did doze off but I heard her groan and I woke up immediately. I'm not sure why she was trying to get up but I'm glad I got her down again. I hate to see her cry painful tears. It felt so good to just be close to her again.

After she calmed down I decided that I'll talk to her mom. I made a promise to her that I intend on keeping. Roseanne didn't want me going so I stayed. I felt a bit weird talking about her to her mother in front of her so I resulted into messaging her mother instead. At least they'll have some relief now.

I hear knocking on the door before a lady walks in.

"Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling ?" She asks Roseanne.

"It just hurts. " she said and looked down.

"You haven't been feeling dizzy or anything like that ?"

Roseanne shakes her head.

"That's good. Now for the pain I'm going to give you this," she says and holds up this tiny bottle filled with a clear liquid.

"Okay. " Roseanne replied. The nurse walked over to her drips and sorted everything out.

"Any idea when the doctor will see here again ?" I ask the nurse. She takes a look over in my direction before turning back to Rose.

"If there's a problem just call us. Your doctor will be here to check up on you sometime before noon. " she informs her.

"Would you like anything to eat now or would you rather wait till later in the afternoon ?" She asks Rose.

"Later. " Roseanne answered quietly. Afterwards, the nurse gave us both a kind smile before exiting and closing the door behind her.

"Martijn. " she calls me softly after a couple of minutes went by.

"Yes, love. " I reply.

"I'm feeling tired. Like I want to sleep kind of tired. " she tells me.

"Would you like to sleep then ?"

"Yes... But..." She pauses and a crease forms in between he eyebrows. I tighten my hold on her hand just a little.

"Promise me you won't leave ?" She asks me. I let out a short sigh.

"I'd never. " I say to her and kiss her hand.

I watched her as she tried her best to get comfortable in the bed. She never moved her hand from mine and I never let go of hers. Her head was turned in my direction as her eyes fluttered shut. She can't sleep on any of her sides, she has to stay on her back.

I need to talk to Louis... I think I'll wait until after the doctor comes to tell him to come by and visit but I will tell him that she woke up and then fell asleep again. I can't even imagine how drowsy she's feeling now. From the look on her face when she first woke up she seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Troublesome//M.G.Where stories live. Discover now