Chapter 23

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The time came for me to actually leave and go see him. For some reason I was feeling nervous af.

I haven't seen him in quite a while and I have no idea how he's going to react.

My phone makes a sound and vibrates, I pick it up and look at it. It's a text message from Louis.

Louis: There's something that I've not told you as yet.. Concerning Martijn.
Me: What is it ?
Louis: You know how Martijn will have an occasional drink now and then ?
Me: I suppose so.
Louis: Well two nights ago, before we got here yesterday, he got really really drunk. I thought that it could be because he's away from you but hey, I could be wrong.
Me: Where were you guys ?
Louis: I actually wasn't with him. I stayed in my room that night but he went out, without anyone.
Me: He didn't do anything stupid right ?
Louis: I wish I knew. I heard some noise outside here around three in the morning. I was in the next room and I could hear the noise coming from his room. I got out to check.
Me: And ?
Louis: And he could barely stand up straight, he was trying to get into is room, that's what all the ruckus was.
Me: I'll process this. Thank you for telling me.
Louis: I just felt you deserved to know x


The plane food wasn't bad.. I wasn't able to sleep, maybe I should've taken sleeping pills or something.

Louis said that he'll get me from the entrance of the airport, he'll be there. That's what he said. I feel so crazy for doing this. I practically just dropped everything but hey, Louis is quite persuasive.

I really want to pay him back for the flight though, I hope I manage to slip him the money somehow and somewhere. Once all the passport and security things were checked I had wait to collect my luggage.

There's bag after bag after bag. Finally I see my grey suitcase and I grab it. I wheeled my suitcase along with me, the airport isn't so busy today.

I see families, couples, business people. A little boy in a blue and green stripped shirt caught my attention. He couldn't be older than five.

He was trying to get his parents attention, tugging on his dad's hand but he was too engrossed in a conversation with his wife. They seemed to be arguing over something.

I walked to the pickup and drop off zone of the airport, a backpack on my shoulders, laptop bag slinging from my side and my suitcase following behind me.

It's 18:49 right now, I don't know what's the plans as yet, Louis didn't tell me much. It's cloudy and I think it could possibly rain tonight.

"From what I've seen in pictures, you must be Roseanne. " I recognized the voice to be Louis' and I turned to my right to see him next to me in a black cotton jacket with a hoodie and denim jeans.

"Hi, it's good to meet you!" I say, pretty damn excited.

"It's nice to see you, shall we go to the car or do you want to get a coffee from inside or something ?" He asks me.

"No I'm all good, unless you wanna grab one then we can just pop in. " I reply.

"No it's fine, here, me take this for you, " he says and then takes the handle for my suitcase out of my hands, "the car is this way. " he nods his head over to his right.

I smile at him and follow just slightly behind him as he begins to lead us to the car that he's using.

I'm dressed in black leggings and a grey hoodie with my black and white Nikes. He put my bags in the car and we got in.

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