Chapter 18

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It's two weeks later and not much has changed. I'm meeting with Roxy today, like finally. We didn't want to discuss a lot about her and Justin over the phone, we wanted to do it over coffee.

Raj's proposal is next week! I'm so amped up for it!! I can't wait, I just want this week to zoom by.

And as for things with Martijn... He texts me when he's leaving to go somewhere and when he's arrived, when he's going to bed but, the conversation is always blunt.

We have said I love you since he left, through text message, two days after he left he said it. I just give him a short brief statement of what I'm doing with my day.

We haven't face timed or called each other as yet but I'm surviving, I can last without him. I have Roxy to keep me company anyway so that's great!

I watch all of his snapchats though, nothing unusual there and anyway I'm still a huge Garrixer, it's good to know what my idol is up to. (He does not need to know that he's my idol however)


I sit down with Roxanne at a cafe in Amsterdam, I'm wearing black high heeled boots with denim high waisted jeans and maroon long sleeved shirt with black lace from my shoulders to my shoulder blades, I curled my hair and did my make up. Today is gonna be a girls day everyone!

My sister is looking gorgeous as usual, her brunette hair left down and straightened. She's wearing a grey jersey with black high waisted jeans and with a grey shiny pencil heeled pair of shoes. Her makeup is looking spectacular, she went with a smokey eye and she's killing it!

She ordered a chai latte and I had Caribbean mocha. I've already told her about Martijn and I when we called the other day.

"Tell me." I urge her.

"Tell you what ?" She smirks.

"Everything! " I demanded.

"Fine, but you're paying for lunch. " she said, crossing her arms.

"Hmm, fair enough. " I shrugged.

"So we stayed a few extra days, it really surprised me because I expected him to be like super busy or something and he was the one to propose it. I knew I didn't really have anything to do so I agreed, plus it gave me alone time with him. " she explained a bit.

"You do know that if you wanted alone time you could have just asked Martijn or myself, we wouldn't have made a big deal out of it. " I scold her.

"I know... But I wanted to spend time time with you and it was great to spend time with everyone altogether also!" She says and takes a sip of her latte and I do the same with mine.

"Okay now tell me what you did on the few extra days please. " I whine at her.

"We spent the days together, went out and about he showed me around. We uhm, kissed. " she said and took a sip of her latte, looking around innocently.

My hands slammed down on the table, " You kissed the Justin Bieber ?!" I whispered to her.

"Yeah. " she blushed.

I shook my head and smiled at her, sitting back in my chair.

"Well at least you're still a virgin. " I nodded at her and finished my mocha.

"Uh, yup. " she said in a weak voice, she hesitated!

"You are still a virgin right ? What the hell happened ?!" I asked her, shocked.

"Well, I almost lost it. One night we were just fooling around and we were actually close to doing it but then I stopped him because we had alcohol in our system and we were kind of drunk. " she explained.

"Uhm, okay. " I said, dragging out the okay.

We paid for our drinks and then left, I was doing the driving today.

"Where to ?" I ask her as we buckle up.

"Let's go to a bar!" She cheered.

"Fine. " I giggled at her.

As we were driving she spoke up again after putting her phone down.

"When did you last speak to him ?" She asked me, even though she hadn't used a name I know who she was referring to.

"Uhm, we didn't speak today actually. We last spoke around midday yesterday, he was going to bed. " I answered her.

"Oh, where is he now ?" She questions once more.

"Uhm, in Asia. I think he's in Singapore now. " I thought about it before answering.

"Raj's proposal is next week Miss Photographer. " she nudges me.

"Yes, I was meaning to ask you something actually. " my finger taps the wheel as I make a left turn.

"Go ahead. " she gestures.

"I was wondering if you would be willing to help me ? You see, I'm gonna be taking pictures but I also want to film it so if you could film it from a different angle in a different place then it would be great!" I explained my plan to her.

"Sure! That would be cool. " she exclaimed.

We're now stuck in the evening traffic and I sighed, rubbing my head and getting my hair out of my face.

"So we're in the magazines. " Roxy said.

"Yeah, I'm not in favor of it. Let's just try not to let it spoil our evening. If there's anyone with cameras let's just agree to leave. " I say as I take a right turn, getting away from the traffic.

"Deal. " she smiled and turned on the music.


One thing lead to another and from the bar we went to a club, on the way to the club I informed my mother that I'll be staying over at Roxy's that night. I didn't really want to go home smelling of alcohol. Heck, we're not even dressed for clubbing!

We're in jeans and a top and heels, at least we have our makeup done. We just thought that the bar wasn't lively enough. It was okay, but it was quiet.

We entered the club and found ourselves a good booth at the back of the place. The music a loud but at least it's good music. There's loads of people out on the dance floor.

We order some vodka shots, this time Roxy is paying.


About nine shots later and we're dancing side by side in the club enjoying the music and just being free. We agreed that she's gonna be the one to a clear mind so that she can drive us back, she's basically letting me get drunk and I'm not denying it.

I feel my phone buzzing so I lean over to Roxy and shout to tell her I'm going to the booth and she gives me a thumbs up.

I slip my phone out of my pocket and I see that it's a missed call from Martijn, it's ten at night what does he want. My phone starts buzzing instantly again in my hands. His name and face pops up. I slide my thumb across the screen and answer it.

"Hello ?" I say.

"I miss you. " he replied, his voice rough.

"How are---" I get cut off by him.

"What's all that noise ? Where are you ?" He asks me.

"Uhm, I-well, I'm o-out. " I stuttered.

"Out where ?" He asks again.

"At a club. I'm with Roxy. " I tell him.

"YOU'RE CLUBBING ?" He shouts.

"Uh, yeah. " I said.

"I can't believe this. I've been gone for what ? A week. Just a week and you're clubbing ?!" He scolds me.

"No, don't start this now. It's not even like that Martijn!" I raise my voice at him.

"Get your ass home and when you're there then you can call and explain this to me. " he commanded and hung up.

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