Chapter 12

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We arrived just five minutes after my cousin. The restaurant looks really good. Weirdly enough, we all wore some type of blue.

Matthew and I hugged while he and Martijn just shook hands, they were polite to each other. We were seated at one of those tables with four chairs. I guess you could say I was in the middle. Martijn sat on my right and Matt sat on my left.

Matt had a strawberry milkshake, Martijn had a litchi juice and I had a vanilla chai latte. We ordered this delicious salad to share.

Later on we had pasta. Matt had this pasta with broccoli and mussels in them. Martijn, who's seriously trying to be vegetarian by the way, had vegetarian pizza. I had a mushroom pasta that was just amazing.

I'm not the biggest fan of mushrooms but it was just that good. For dessert Matt had a cheesecake, I wasn't really hungry and nor was Martijn so we shared a milk tart. It was little and cute, the cinnamon having a strong but good taste.

The three of us took a walk on the beach, talking about what's happened these past few years. Matthew explained how he couldn't be at my dad's funeral because he had a wedding to attend, he was the best man.

After another two hours, with all of us having slightly wet feet because of the water. I was carrying my shoes in my hand at the moment. Matt decided it was time to leave. We hugged once again and bid each other goodbye.

He really had grown. He was more muscular and toned. He has a new haircut, he has a quiff now. He was going to spend the night out with friends.

"I like Matt. " Martijn said.

He guided us over to bench, the sand still reached our feet so I put my shoes down next to my feet and he did the same.

It's sunset now and it looks really good.

We sat in silence and just enjoyed the view

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We sat in silence and just enjoyed the view.

"We go home tomorrow. " Martijn sighed.

"Yeah! I miss my family already. I can't wait to see them. " I smiled.

"I got something to ask you. " Martijn said, a serious tone in his voice.

"You can ask me anything. "I turned my body to face his.

"You know I love you right ?" He takes my hand in both of his.

"Well, I would hope so... Martijn you're scaring me now. " I said in a nervous voice.

"Okay, Rosie I promise it's nothing bad. " he laughed at my nervousness.

"Okay. Okay. Continue. " I say, taking deep breaths.

"You know I leave for tour next week right ?" He lifts his eyebrows a bit and nods at me as he speaks.

I nod back at him, trying to follow him.

"Now the reason I've been on my phone a lot lately is because I've been arranging some things. " he explained.

"Aha, and what things are that ?" I asked him.

"I'm excited about it and I think it'll be a good experience as well, for both of us. We get to make lots of memories and what I know right now is that I truly do love you.  Would you like to go on tour with me ?" He asked me.

"Okay wait. Give me a moment. " I said and giggled a bit.

"What ?" His face dropped and he watched me giggle.

"No, no. It's nothing bad. " I promise him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Then ?" He asked.

"That was just so adorable. " I smiled at him.

"Okay. And your answer is ?" He asks biting his lip.

"Martijn... I mean, it's an amazing offer. I would like to come but I'm just gonna take some time to think about it okay ? I mean, I would miss my family. " I pointed out to him.

"Okay. It's all good. I understand. " he nods and wipes his hands on his jeans.

He called the driver so I took that as my cue to put on my shoes. I screamed as he picked me up and carried me off the sand. Once we were on paved ground he put me down.

"How sweet of you to care for my Nike's. " I pout at him and give him and innocent smile.

"Shush." He kissed my head.

We walked to the car and we were now going back to the hotel. I was too full for dinner so I just took a shower and got into bed.


"You wanna play a game ?" Martijn asked me as he sat next to me in bed.

"Sure! What game ?" I asked him.

"Uno. " he smiled.

"Yay!" I cheered.

I covered my now cold legs with the duvet and I held a pillow on my lap. I've noticed that Martijn has been kind of down since he asked me. I think it's because he just had his hopes up that I would say yes.

I want to go, I really do. I quit my job a while back, when my dad was murdered. I want to get back on my feet, even if I am still living with my mom and I am well supported. I want to do things for myself.

Martijn took out his phone. He aimed it down at the cards which are all in a well sized pile the bed.

"Hello snapchat! This is what happens when you have nothing to do in a hotel, you start to play card games in bed. " he spoke as he filmed a little video.

After that we continued with a game. I had to pick up six cards at one point, I gave him a death glare for that. He won the game and we decided to watch a good movie. We looked for a comedy.

He put his arm around me and put his feet up. I'm actually kind of missing Raj, I should really do something with him sometime. We used to do things all the time together, just him and I.

When I get back I'll just have to see if he's up to it, I don't know if he's going to be busy with Laura or not.

Martijn informed me that Roxanne is still out with Justin. Where ? I don't know. Why ? Because she has the biggest crush on him and from what I can see, he could possibly reciprocate them.

Martijn and I settled for watching 'No Strings Attached', with the wonderful Ashton Kutcher. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, I really like his eyes and hair.


"That movie was hilarious!" I laughed

"Good thing we decided to watch it. " Martijn said and chuckled afterwards.

"Ashton is so one of the best actors!" I smile, complementing the man.

"Uhh, hello, stop dreaming about Kutcher. You've got Martijn Garritsen in the same bed as you right now. " he snorted and circled his pointer finger above his head before stopping and pointing at himself.

"True, very true. On top of having the talent to make good music, he's kind, tall, charming and loving. " I bat my eyelashes at him, flashing him a smile.

His face flushed red and he pulled me into his chest.


Later after eating some chocolate we got back into bed. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder.

"I love you. " I heard him say before he fell asleep too.

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