Chapter 32

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"Martin ?" Raj answers.

"Yeah, hey it's me. I need to tell you something. It's a Saturday, are you at home ?" I ask him.

I feel my heart start to beat harder.

"Yeah, so is my mother. " he tells me.

I start to feel sick to my stomach. How the hell do I even tell my girlfriend's family that she's freakin missing. Worst of all I feel like it's my fucking fault.

I shake my head and give Louis the phone. I run to bathroom. I feel pain in my stomach, my walls contract. Everything pushes upwards and I let it all out in the sink.

My oesophagus burns from the terrible acidic feeling and also from the alcohol. I rinse out my mouth with some cold water.

I hear Louis talking but I'm not even bothered. I feel dizzy and I feel my legs give in. Next thing I know my knees hit the ground and my arms drop from the sink to the floor underneath me.

My head hits the ground and I black out.


I wake up with my head spinning, my vision clears and I see I'm still in my hotel room but no longer on the bathroom floor where I last remember being.

"Ah good you're alright. I hid you from the rest of the team and told them that you don't want to see them right now. If another say... Forty-five minutes went by I was going to get help. What the hell happened ?" Louis says, he sits by my body.

I feel weak, as if I don't even have enough energy to lift an arm.

"I just... I felt really sick so I went to the bathroom. I threw up and cleaned myself up and then I was just hunched over the sink, next thing I know I'm hitting the floor. " I shrug at him.

I slowly sit up as he begins to speak.

"I know, I told Raj what happened. Then I hear this thud in the bathroom so I came to check on you. Your eyes just closed as I got there. Uhm.. Rose's mom wants to speak to you. " he explains.


"I didn't even hear you get to the door or anything. Should I call her ?" I ask him.

"Yeah, Raj said he'll give her your number and well, he gave you hers which I saved under your phone as 'Rose's mom'. " he tells me.

"Thanks. " I say.

I let my head rest against the sofa, it feels heavy.

"Do you think you threw up and fainted because you were drinking or because of what's going on with Rose ?" He asks me.

"Maybe both. " I said bluntly.

I want Roseanne... I want to know that she's safe.

"Go have a shower Martijn, you reek of alcohol and vomit. " Louis says.

Roseanne's POV

The guys left me alone for the night. They offered me something to eat by I refused. I don't want to have anything from them, even if it'll keep me alive.

I think they left, I don't know if anyone is still here.

I don't care if my tummy is growling or if the hydrochloric acid starts to make my tummy burn. I don't care if my bile is released and my body realizes that there's no harmful substance for it to get rid off and causes me to throw it all up.

I'm not taking shit from them. I'm at least conscious now and I don't plan on sleeping.

Can someone please hurry the hell up and get me out of here ?

Maybe I can try to squeeze my hands through these things. I move my wrists around and make my hand as small as possible. I move my body to the side and try to pull it through. It's moving but it hurts.

Just bare with the pain.

You got this.

I tug more and more, it's going so slowly. Well, it's not like I'm running out of time. I've got time to waste. Might as well keep going.

My thumb is now free, the hard and painful part is over with. I move my arm downwards and my wrist is free. The pain in my shoulder as my arm finally comes down makes me almost scream.

Now for the other side... But how do I not fall over once my left arm is down ? My feet aren't touching the ground.

I hear talking outside. It sounds like.. Girls. Like teenage girls.

"Hello ? Can you girls hear me ?" I call out to them.

"Please help me!" I plead.

I see a figure appear by the window.

"Hello ?" I say a bit louder.

"Who's there ?" A girl asks.

"Please help me. I need you to call a number for me really quick. Please I'm stuck in here, I've been kidnapped. " I tell them.

"We'll call the cops, what's your name ?" another voice says, a different girl.

"I'm Roseanne. Roseanne van Hijt. Thank you so much. " I say.

Finally, maybe now I can get out of here. I wanna talk to Martijn... Should I tell them ? Yeah, okay let's try.

"The police say they're on their way. "

"Is it okay if I ask you to call someone else ?" I ask them.

"It's okay, what's the num--" she gets cut off by an obnoxious familiar voice.

"What are you girls doing around here ?!" The guy shouts. It's one of the guys that were in the room with me.

"Get out! Get away!" He booms at them.

I hear them screech and then following that are heavy footsteps.

I'm glad they left, I don't want them getting hurt. Especially not because they took time to help me out.

Martijn's POV

"Martijn!" I hear Louis shout.

I jolt up from my sleep. I don't even remember falling asleep...

"What ? What is it ?" I ask him rubbing my head.

"Get up. Come on, let's go! They found Rose!" He says quickly, he chucks my phone and wallet at me and then throws a hoodie over my face.

I rush and get everything on.

I'm on my way Rosie.


So like.. Vote/comment if you got that Tiësto reference and well.. Also if you didn't you can still do both ahahaha.

Thanks -Rx

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