Chapter 7

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Warning: a little bit of a hot make out session but you can always skip that if you don't like that stuff.

I wake up and I let out a sigh of relief, this is our last night here. Tomorrow morning we get to leave! Martijn is still sound asleep on my chest.

I can feel his breathing when his chest cavity moves against my own. Martijn is actually quite heavy! I don't mind having him close though, I do quite enjoy it.

I realize that my fingers are in his hair. Hmm, I wonder when that got there, haha.. I move my finger and rub both of my eyes.

I have the strong urge to stretch but I can't because I might wake up Martijn. He stirred a bit and I froze, holding my breath. He cleared his throat. As softly as he could, and the snuggled his head back into my chest.


"Come on Rosie, this will be fun!" My dad said.

I had my hair into a braid and a brown shirt paired with black jeans.

"But dad, it's scary!" Whined my seven year old self.

"Stop being such a fairy, let's go!" He tugged my hand.

I followed closely behind him into the haunted house. My brother stayed with my mother, they went shopping. My father came back from a long business trip.

I hadn't seen him for two weeks. He wanted to do something with me today and so now we're here.

As soon as you enter the haunted house it's so dark. The daylight from the outside is not penetrating through here. There's a green glow to the place and it doesn't make it any less scary.

There's smoke all over and nothing is really that clear. As we walk in further something brushes my arm and I screech and clutch onto my dad.

"Rosie, it's okay. " he hushed me.


After that horrifying experience my dad took me out for some ice-cream. I chose a chocolate chip flavor and he had strawberry.

"So what else can I do to make up for getting you scared ?" My dad asked as we walked on a bridge.

I gave it some thought before I replied, "We're going to play football. "

"Football ?" He raised his eyebrows and and smiled.

"Yes, football. " I nodded.

"Okay Rosie. " he agreed.


My mom watched as my brother, father and I ran around in the yard kicking the ball. My brother and I were playing against my dad, and we were winning!

"Alright, alright. " my dad said and hunched over, hands on his knees.

My brother and I stopped the match and looked over at him.

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