Chapter 10

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A/N: make sure to read author's note in the end. Read on💕

As we were sitting in the car Martijn took my phone and said he wants to see the picture. Once my phone went on his eyes enlarged and he faced me.

"When did you take this ?!" He asked me.

"This morning, while you were cute. " I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh.. I see how it is. " he nods and folds his arms. (He said that because I said were)

I gave him my thumb so he could unlock my phone and let him go onto pictures to see it. I looked too since I haven't seen the pictures that Roxy took yet either.

"Ohhh! They're cute Martijn!" I cheered.

"Yeah, I'm sending them to myself. " he informed me.

"Okay." was all I said.

When he was done he put my phone on my thigh, I jumped a little because of his cold hands.

"Sorry. " he chuckled.

After about three minutes I got a notification. Martijn posted a picture on Instagram.

"You posted something ?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you should go look at it. " he said and looked up at me through his eyelashes as he laid his head down on my lap.

I went onto Instagram, scrolled through three pictures before I got to his. It's that same picture. He added a black and white filter to his post. It was the one when his hand was holding my face and we were looking at each other.

His caption was just '#Goals'. I liked it and commented 'You know it ;)'. He saw my comment and laughed. He didn't tag me in the picture, so some people don't know who I am.

"If you want privacy in your life I suggest you put your accounts on private. " he spoke.

"Yeah, if you don't want anyone bothering you then you should. He's right girls. " Justin said from the passenger seat.

"Then I'm going private. " I agreed with them.

"Same here. " Roxy lifted her pointer finger whilst she drove us there.

"Okay, just accept my follow request Rose. " Justin warned me.

"Will do. " I nodded at him.

"Those shorts are definitely working for you. " Martijn says, just loud enough for me to hear, bites his lips and groans.


We got to the place and it was awesome. It looked so cool. We put on the vests and grabbed our guns. We all agreed that the first game will have two rounds, boys against girls.

Then the next game it'll be Justin and I against Martijn and Roxanne. The last game will be of course, Martijn and I against Justin and Roxanne.

I'm glad I wore my Nikes, they help me keep great balance and they're quiet! But then again, so is Martijn's. Dammit.

The place had black lighting all over, loads of places to hide and there was 4 floors so you could be anywhere. The great part is that Martijn is wearing a white shirt so it will be shining a bright blue.

Justin is wearing black and Roxanne is wearing a red color. The underneath and bottom of our shoe is white so there's a let down in the Nike's for Martijn and I.

We're going to have lunch with my cousin at three, so basically a late lunch.

I'm not sure how long we're going to be here, we don't particularly have a set time. Each person has ten lives, the person/team who lasts the longest wins.

"So how good are you at these kind of things ?" Roxy asked me.

"Yeah, I've been paint balling and laser tagging before. I lost in paintball but my team and I won at laser tag. " I told her.

"Oh! That's great. Now I know we have an actual chance!" She giggled.

"And I hate losing. " I said sternly.

"That's good, because as do I. " she agreed with me.

"Alright, now we're going to let the ladies go in first and choose their hiding spots. Ladies you have two minutes. The guys will wait here so they won't know where you are. " said the man in charge.

"Okay. " we both said.

As I walk past Martijn he grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"No good luck kiss ?" He pouted.

I gave him a kiss and muttered good luck against his lips and he said "You too babe. "

Once we were far enough away from the door so we knew the guys couldn't hear us Roxy asked what the plan is.

"Okay. So we're going to the third floor. We have to stick together, we have to be within a five meter radius of each other. We can't let them push forward otherwise we're screwed. " I explained while we we're getting to the second floor, there's ladders with a covering so no one can shoot you.

There's nets, blocks, furniture, some garden accessories, all kinds of things. Somethings have a neon glow to it, some are just plain and dark.

We get to the third floor and we go to the middle of the room. We hide behind these blocks, there's a net surrounding us and there's a bench. It's been one minute and thirty seconds so we have thirty seconds remaining until the boys come in.

"Any last minute advice ?" Roxy asked.

"Never attack first, be as quiet as possible, this isn't the time to get distracted either. Don't be nervous and always use the eyepiece when you're shooting. " I give her a pat on the back when I'm done.

"Okay. I can do that. " she nods.

"Alright ladies, the guys are coming in now. " the guy announced over a speaker.

I hold a finger up to my lips yelling Roxanne to be quiet now.

"Crouch down. " I whispered.

We got down and we crouched behind the bench because you can see through the slits in it so we now if they're coming.

I put my fingers to my eyes and pointed behind us, telling Roxy to watch the other side.

Okay boys, you wanted to do this.

Let the games begin!


The next couple of chapters are already written, I have some extra time on my hands.

Have a nice day... See you next update!

Vote and comment PLEASE.

Thanks xx

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