Chapter 30

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I woke up feeling dizzy and drowsy. Something just doesn't feel right. When I try to move that's when I realize that my feet aren't even on the ground.

I've been hung up by my hands. I wriggle, trying to get out of it but nothing is budging. From what it sounds like, it's metal chains. My wrists feel dead. My shoulders are sore.

As I lift my head up from it being hanging down I feel the terrible ache in my neck. It's so sore, I don't know how long I've been in this position.

I feel the soreness in my head. Flashbacks of the previous night's events start to play through my mind. It must be from when I was hit with something.

The last thing I remember is being dragged off.

I'm able to moves my feet freely, even my toes, meaning I have no shoes on anymore. I thankfully am still in my dress. Just.. Where the hell am I.

I'm sore.

I'm scared.

I'm tired.

I'm worried.

I'm anxious.


Martijn's POV

(The previous night)

I finished playing at the event. Louis and surprisingly, Roseanne were taking pictures throughout it.

I was happy to see her doing something she likes, the smile on her face made her even more beautiful.

The dress she wore tonight was stunning, I think it really suited her. My run in with her in the bathroom... Me seeing her in that black lace... Seeing her face go red... That was something.

I'm a bit sweaty but I want to find her.
I previously had a blazer on but I took it off when I went by the DJ booth.

"Where's Roseanne ?" I ask Louis.

"Uhm, not entirely sure but last time I checked she was going to get some water. Haven't seen her since then mate. " he said and went to speak to someone.

Okay then.

I made my way to the quiet back room, it's where my blazer is, the water and some fruits and also where Louis' equipment is kept.

On my way there however I spot Roseanne's purse on the floor in the hallway. No one is around, I pick it up.

She must've just dropped it clumsily. I'll be sure to return it when I see her.

I get to the room and I let myself cool down a bit, Roseanne isn't here. I don't know where she is, maybe she's out there with some other people.

I let my sweat dry off. I put my blazer on after going through my Twitter feed for a little while.

I leave the room with Roseanne's purse in my pocket, just so I know her things are safer than staying in there. I'll mingle with some people and hopefully see her around.

It's my first night properly out with her, like as my date. I know I didn't ask her or anything, it's not like I felt the need to anyway, she's my girlfriend, she should be accompanying me regardless of what the media says.

I didn't play any progressive house tracks in this set, it wasn't long anyway. Just about half an hour. I only played my radio hits, it wasn't to get the crowd jumping, just a little bit of dancing. It's quite an event.

I don't even remember what's the actual meaning behind it or why I was actually even booked to play here but anyway, people get what they paid for.

It was good to see them having a good time though, at least I got a reaction out of them.

I need to contact my parents, I want to fly them out to the next country I'm visiting.

I honestly don't see Roseanne anywhere.

Where the hell are you ?

I take my phone out and give her a call. I soon feel the slight vibrations through her purse on my blazer.

Of course, she leaves her phone in her purse.

That's the purpose of her carrying one you dumbass.

Dammit Rose.


It's now forty minutes later, Louis and I are both worried. We've asked some other people that we know if they've seen her, even if it was half an hour ago when they did.

No one has even spoken to her. We checked with the security guards at the doors whether she had left, they shrug and shake their heads. They haven't seen anyone dressed like her leave.

The guard in charge takes us to the video camera footage in a security room. Louis came with me.

Louis told him the details of where he last saw her and what she was doing. He pulls up the footage from the time. The camera is situated in the corridor to the room she was going to, to grab her water.

I don't even know what to call it, it's not like it's really a backstage room. On top of that, it's being used for so many different types of things.

"Stop. " I command the guard.

I see her. The footage was showing nothing up until you just see her come into the screen. From the bottom, meaning she was still going to the room at this point.

"That's her. Can you play it slow ?" Louis asks.

"Yeah uh, sure. " the guard replies. He pressed a button on the keyboard and the video resumed, only this time playing slower.

She got maybe another meter or two and then someone came up behind her. The guy had a coat on with a hoodie underneath. We could see his face.

I see when she lost her purse. She tried to free herself. The asshole hit her with something he grabbed from the table near by and dragged her behind.

"Go to the other camera!" I demand.

My blood is boiling. I'm beyond pissed.

"There is no other camera. But I will notify the police and we will try our best to find her. We will ask anyone if they saw this man. I'm so sorry Mr. Garrix. "

Before I could even do anything as I stood up, Louis grabbed me by my wrists and took me out the room harshly, thanking the guard on the way. He stopped when we were outside.

"What the fuck!" I scream.

"What the actual fuck!" I kicked something.

"Mate, calm down. We'll find her, I promise. " he says, trying to make me feel better.

"Don't make me any promises. Just fucking get her to me!" I growl.

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