Chapter 31

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Hey guys, just a quick authors note here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I'm not so consistent with my updates. It's just school, social media, things to do every day and then just life problems and bleh.

But damn do I love writing when I get the time. Thank you for being patient.

Enjoy the chapter xo.

Roseanne's POV:

I hear sounds of the ocean. I can hear the constant sound of waves crashing upon the shore.

The floor is wooden. The room is empty except for a little side table and a chair. The door is wooden and white, but some paint is being chipped off here and there.

A lightbulb is above me. It feels like it's sometime in the afternoon but I don't know. There's one window but there's a curtain over it so I can't see much of anything behind it.

Little light is let through to the room.

Gosh I hope Martijn is alright.

What if these guys want something to do with him ?

He needs to stay safe. I try to be as quiet as I can. If someone is out there waiting to hear me wake up, then I'd rather not help them out.


Either way, ten minutes later someone opened the door. A tall slender man walks in, he's a brunette with green eyes.

"Hello there Lovie. " he greets me.

I keep my mouth closed.

"Aww not talking now are we ?" He mocks me.

I still keep silent.

"We warned you. " I heard another deeper voice say. Soon a face was put to the voice when another guy walked in the room, also a brunette but brown eyes, a bit of a better build than the first guy.

Warned me about what ? What is this ?

The first guy starts to walk toward me, the other guy takes a seat on the chair. I feel... Vulnerable. I don't like feeling like this.

"We want money. " the second guy says and lights up a cigarette.

"Talk!" The first guy demands.

"I don't know what you're talking about nor what you warned me about. " I tell them.

"Those texts you got honey, they were from us. " the second guy said, taking a pull.

That's when I notice it. I notice their accents. They have the same accent as Martijn... They're Dutch. What are they doing all the way in Australia if they're Dutch ?

"Who are you ?" I ask them.

The first guy laughs.

"Remember the gang who killed your father and then went after you ?" They ask me.

I swallow.

How do they know about that ?

"The police thought that they got everyone from that gang. Oh but honey, they missed out, on four of us " the first guy informs me.


Martijn's POV:

It's been a sleepless night for me. I haven't gone on any social media or done anything besides drink.

I made Louis let me go back to the hotel. The bar was still open at that time, they were having some pool competition. I bought some alcohol there and took it up to my room.

I don't know what to do. I don't know where the fuck she is. I can't think straight. Not anymore.

I heard knocking on the door. I don't want to move now.

The knocking gets louder.

"Martin open the damn door!" I hear Louis shout.

I move my legs off the couch, I mistakenly knock over a bottle of something, it was however, empty.  I stumble but find my balance again.

I sloppily walk over to the door, taking a sip of whatever the hell I'm drinking now. I open the door and turn around and walk back to the couch and fling myself on it.

"What the..." Louis trailed off, I watched as his eyes looked around the room. It definitely wasn't neat.

"It's time for breakfast but, just stay here. I'm gonna bring it up okay. " he said.

"I don't want to eat. " I said sternly.

"I'm your friend, so, I'll force it down your throat if I have to. " he said and took my room card and left.


Fifteen minutes later and Louis was back. He closed the door behind him and put a plate down on the table and then a glass of water.

"Eat. " he demanded.

I scoffed.

"Martijn I will not tell you again. " he said.

I didn't want to eat but I sat up. Louis walked over to me and took the bottle away from me and picked up the other one from the floor.

"Hey! Give that back. " I whined.

"No, I'm getting rid of this. You need to think clearly and sensibly. " he informed me.


"The team has pushed back anything that we had to do today. You're free. But remember that we are due to leave Australia in two days from now. " he reminds me about that.

"Not like I would've done anything today anyway if they hadn't. I'm not leaving this damn country till I have her with me. " I scowl at Louis.

I feel like absolute shit

I have a couple of sips of water. Then I have two bites of toast and some mushrooms. I sit back for a couple minutes.

Fuck. I need to inform her mom and brother about this. I also... I feel like talking to my parents too.

I don't want this feeling in my mind from the alcohol to leave, it makes me feel relaxed. I believe that I'm think straight, I don't know if anyone else does though.

I don't really want to see anyone or do anything, unless it's going to help get her.

"I promise you I'm not leaving here till we get her and even then she's going to have stuff to deal with so we're not leaving Australia anytime soon. Please tell the rest of the team. " I tell him.

I'm determined, but first.. I'm going to call Raj. I have his number but not his mother's. I get my phone from the table and scroll to his name.

I tap it.

Here we go...

Troublesome//M.G.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora