Chapter 35

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Martin's POV

After I filled in the form I handed it to the lady by the reception who gave me a kind smile that I could not return.

God I wanna hit something.

I hear the doors open and I turn around to see that it's Louis. I look at him as he the walks towards me.

"How was she looking ?" He asks me.

"Well the guy that was in the ambulance, I think his name was Jimmy or John or something of that sort, he said that it wasn't looking good. " I said quite bluntly.

"How are you feeling ?" He asks me. What a question Lou.

"I feel... Upset and frustrated at the fact that I am absolutely powerless right now and I can't do anything to help here. I'm anxious to know what's going to happen. " I tell him the honest truth.

"That's... Normal I suppose. Have you spoken to her family ?" He questions me.

"Hmm, well sort of. Her mom called me in the middle of everything. I told her that I was trying to get to Rose and that I'll call her back. " I answer him.

"You need to tell them what's going on now mate. " he puts a hand on my shoulder.

I sigh, "Could you do it ? I don't feel like repeating everything. " I ask him.

He nodded and I gave him my phone after unlocking it with my thumb print. He walks off a bit and then I see him speaking on the phone. I... I should be the one doing that. He's not her damn boyfriend, I am. After two minutes I head over to him.

"Give it. " I mouth to him and he nods.

"Martin wants to speak to you, hold on for just a moment. " he said and passed the phone to me.

"Mevrouw van Hijt--" I start but she cuts me off.

"You can speak English. " she says to me. Well, I'm fine with whatever but I'll go with English.

"Okay," I sigh, "I know I should be the one telling you all of this but it's Louis. I'm just on edge and I'm so very very sorry. " I run my free hand through my hair as I feel a lump in my throat.

"Martin..." She pauses, she's speaking in a soft comforting tone.

"I don't know what to do. " I say quietly and my voice cracks.

"Honey, all we can really do right now is wait. We've got to wait until the surgeons are done in theatre with her to get the results. We're both worried sick over here just... Let us know when she's awake okay ?"she asks me. What she said is the truth, we can't rush anything, we've just got to wait it out.

"I will. I definitely will. " I promise her.

After a few seconds of silence I get an idea and I speak up again, "Why don't I fly you both here ?" I ask her.

"As much as she is my daughter and I love and care for her so very much and also as much as I want to be by my baby's side, I'm going to have to turn you down. There's work for the both of us here. Let her come out of theatre first, if things are good then we won't come but if things still aren't looking good then yes I, and I'm sure Raj as well, would like to be there. " she answers me. I suppose that's sensible.

"I'll let you know how everything goes and when she awakes. Have a good day. " I say to her.

"Thank you, you as well. " she said to me before she hung up.

I walk back to Louis and we both sit in an anxious silence for the next hour until a doctor comes to speak with me regarding Roseanne.

"Thank you Doctor. " I say to him. I walked back to Louis.

"The surgery went well, she's resting. The doctor said that she will most probably be a bit drowsy when she wakes up. We may see her but she's asleep. " I informed Louis.

"That's good. The hotel isn't so far away from this hospital. Is it okay if I go get some rest and you message or call me when she's awake and I'll come by to see her ?" He asks. I can see that he's just as tired as I am. His eyes are red.

"Yeah yeah, that's alright. Night. " I bro hug him and we both go in opposite directions, going our separate ways.

It took me a little bit of time to find the room she's in but I got there. I take long strides going straight to her side. Both of her wrists have bandages wrapped around them. I can't see anything else at the moment. Her face looks innocent as she sleeps. They're monitoring her heartbeat through her finger so I silently pick up and carry a share to the opposite side of her and quietly set it down.

Before I sat down I zipped my hoodie up a bit more, I'm feeling a bit of a chill here. Probably because it's late. I got comfy and took her free hand in mine. Her hand is cold. I take out my phone with my other hand and send a quick message to her mother to update her telling her the same thing that I told Louis.

The moment I saw her through the doorway again, for the first time, I finally felt relief, knowing that she's here with me and no one has got her. No one is looking to harm her or use her. She's here with me. In the same room. She's here.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and my body losing its strength to stay up any longer but I don't let go of her hand.

Roseanne's POV

{the next morning}

Am I awake ? I think so. I try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. After much effort I get a peep out of my left eye. I saw something shiny and silver.

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