Chapter 4

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It was chasing after me. Something was trying to get to me. It didn't seem to have trouble keeping up with me and I play football!

It's night and it does not help not having any lights with me right now. The forest was foggy too. The tall trees surrounded every direction I looked in as I tried to figure out where to run next.

The figure wouldn't stop though, it was tall and large, it moved very quickly. It was agile and it was just black, almost as if it was just a moving cloud of black smoke or mist.

I tripped on a log that was on the floor. I fell on the moist ground, the dark chocolate brown sand now smeared all over me.

The cold crept across my exposed skin, goosebumps form and my hair sticks up. The shadow comes straight to me. I can't fight it anymore, my body starts to move across the ground, it feels as if it is pulling me.

Its hands are wrapped around my ankles, I can't grab it. Whenever I go to touch it my hand just falls through it. I get scratched all over my arms and neck. Dirt now covers me.

I abruptly wake up, I mistakenly knock Martijn's head off of my chest, I didn't mean to. He groans and then rubs his eyes with his left arm which is wrapped around my waist.

I'm sweaty and flustered. He props himself up and moves his head closer to mine. He gives me a peck then pulls back.

"What happened ?" He asks and puts his arm back around my waist, his head resting beside my own as he eased me back down.

"Sorry I kinda woke you up and you know, dropped your head. " I apologized to him.

"Hey, don't apologize it's fine. " he squeezed my waist.

"Well, I had a nightmare. " I told him, I turned my face to look at him.

"What happened ?" He asked me.

"I don't really know, it wasn't clear. There was this black shadowy figure. I don't know what it wanted from me but it was after me. It chased me all over, and I was in this forest. I tripped on something and then it caught up and started dragging me somewhere. I got scratched on my arms and neck along the way and then I woke up. " I took my time telling him as I crawled up and tucked my head under his chin. 

"You wanna sleep ?" He asks and starts to trace shapes on my back with his fingers.

"Just now. " I answered him.

His jacket was unzipped so I clutched his shirt by his waist, inside his warm jacket.

Eventually his hand stopped moving, his breathing evened out.

He probably fell asleep.

You should do the same.

I know but, I'm just scared.

Martijn is here, just relax.

I listened to my mind and relaxed myself. I fell asleep within the next half an hour or so.


I wake up to feel the warmth next to me disappearing. I open my eyes and I immediately shut them again. The place is quite bright now.

After my eyes adjusted to the light I see Martijn stretching and Justin and Roxy looking in their bags.

"Morning everybody. " I greet them all as I slowly sit up.

"Rested enough ?" Martijn asks, crouching down. I nodded and let my hand trail from his hair, to his neck and then his chest before he rose again.

"Sleep good ?" Justin asks.

"I guess so, I had Martijn. " I smiled.

"I still can't say 'Martijn' correctly and I've known him for years. " Justin shook his head.

"Well, I had a nightmare. " Roxy rolled her eyes.

"No way, same here. " I lifted up my hand.

"What was yours about ?" I ask her.

"I'm not exactly sure but there was something black. " she shrugged.

"I had one of a shadowy black figure. Weird... We dreamt of something black. " I said and a confused expression found its way to my face.

"Let's eat already. " Martijn said.

"Alright, alright, Mr Crabby Pants. " Justin said and put his hands up in defense.

"Don't start with me boy. " Martijn said and pointed his index finger at him.

"Yeah, let's let Martin eat first. " Roxy laughed.

I just sighed and shook my head at them. Martijn sat back down and handed me my bag, getting his one time. He dug in it and brought out some ginger biscuits.

"Really now ?" I let my head rest on my hand and smiled at him.

"Yeah. " he bluntly replied and opened the packet. I secretly watched him, taking sneaky glances. He seems... Off.

I decide to leave him be, if he's still like this later then I'll ask him about it.
I got out a little container of cornflakes and searched for a spoon that I know I put in a plastic packet somewhere in this bag.

I never have my cereal with milk so it's no problem for me. Martijn is being silent and just having a very bland expression whilst staring at nothing in particular.

Justin and Roxy seem to be getting along, they seem like they're having a good conversation. It's only 8:45 A.M.

"I just had a thought. " I say and Justin and Roxy look up.

"And that thought was ?" Roxy questions, waiting for me to continue.

"Does this place even have a working toilet ?" I giggled and took a bite of my flakes.

"Oh shit.." Justin's face dropped.

"If we have to go outside then Roxy, we have to blame your future boyfriend over there. "  I tease her.

"Aww dammit. Fuck you Justin. " Roxy shoved him.

"Oh, I know you want to. " he smirked and she just scoffed then they went back to eating.

Martijn finished and got up and took a walk without a word. He didn't even look at me.

"Is he okay ?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. " I sighed and shifted so I could rest my back against the sofa.

I don't know...

I do want know

But he didn't tell me anything.

He just walked off without saying anything, he barely even had any humor this morning.

Something's wrong.


I apologize for the suckish chapter🙈just wasn't feeling this one😔

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