Difference is Good

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Third Person's POV

"Look. I get that you guys are mad at me." Tyche said the moment her office door at the Seven7 swung open.

Athena and Poseidon walked in and Tyche switched her defensive mode on. Aphrodite was sitting in Tyche's office and was fairly shocked when her two friends walked in.

"Poseidon? 'thena?" Aphrodite said. "Are the kids okay?" She started.

"All but one." Poseidon said. "My daughter."

"Look. What was I supposed to do?" Tyche said.

"How could you not tell us?" Athena said.

"You were both so nice to her, and Poseidon even called her his daughter. Her life was built on it, I can't destroy that. I didn't think the lie would go this far!" Tyche yelled.

"What lie?" Aphrodite asked. "What's this about, Poseidon?" She turned.

"Alex is her daughter." Poseidon said.

Aphrodite turned to her friend with the look of utmost betrayal. Tyche groaned and covered her face with both her hands.

"What I want to know is why you'd leave your daughter with a couple of mortals." Athena said.

"I left my daughter with her uncle." Tyche clarified. "What I didn't know was that Odysseus Trey gave his life to Poseidon."

"Oh." Poseidon said timidly. "I was beginning to wonder how you and Sandra had a daughter."

"His name was Achilles Trey. Their grandfather had a thing for Greek heroes." Tyche said in half-disgust.

"He was a friend." Poseidon stated.

"He was Odysseus' older brother." Tyche said. "Met before he got sent abroad. He died in Afghan." Her voice died down.

"I'm sorry." Aphrodite squeezed her friend's hand.

"It wasn't anything, I didn't even know him that well." Tyche said. "But what was I supposed to do? I can't take care of a child. I have the mentality of a teenager!" She exclaimed. "You usually give your children to the other guy. I did the next best thing."

She looked up to Poseidon and Athena.

"Odysseus and Sandra couldn't have children, especially not with her cancer." Tyche said. "What I didn't know was that the day I left Alex on the Trey's doorstep." She kept her gaze on Poseidon. "Was the day Odysseus died."

"The same day?" Poseidon said. "Really?" His voice rose an octave higher.

"Lucky me huh?" Tyche said. "You'd think the goddess of luck would have a bit more luck than that." She said in distaste.

"So Alex is actually seven years younger than Percy?" Poseidon said.

"To be fair. She has all three of your blood in her veins." Aphrodite said. "That's better than botox. She's keeping that pretty face till at least another six decades."

Athena sighed and sat at the chair next to Aphrodite. She tapped her fingers on the wooden seat handles of the chair.

"I'm hitting the tables." Tyche said suddenly.

"What?" Poseidon said.

"Oh no no no. You gamble when you're upset." Aphrodite said.

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