She's not afraid(A Liam Payne Fanfic)

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Heyy this is my first story so don't judge plzz!!!! And I love Liam so I made my first about him so enjoy!!!!


Hi, my names april Horan. Yes my last name is Horan but I am not related to THE Niall Horan! I am 17 I live in London. I love sports and I love gymnastics, soccer, dancing, singing, and I also cheer but I haven't since my junior year. I love sleeping eating and then repeat but I never gain weight, weird I know!But I love it! I have a big brother his name is Ryan and he is really protective but I love him to death. My parents hit me when I don't do something right or I don't do it at all. So technically they just beat me everyday. I also get bullied at school. But my best friend victoria says they're just jealous they can't be as skinny and beautiful as me. But I don't believe her I may not gain a lot of weight but I believe I am not skinny but I have curves. My life gets flipped around when a boy comes around and helps me after falling and spilling his coffee on me and also me being clumsy and all.......I sprain my ankle. But do they become more than friends or ignore the feelings that are there? Keep reading to find out!!!!!

Chapter 1 ugh! It's them!

I woke up to the ringing of my phone blazing grade 8 by Ed sheeran. Ugh I love that boy his singing is like an angel! I get up and dressed in black and white leggings and a black crop too and white combat boots. I go downstairs and get met by my parents start to yell at me. I ignore than and run to get my phone and purse with my wallet and I head out to go to Starbucks. I drive in my black range rover.

*at Starbucks

I head inside and go up to the counter and order a chocolate chip frapp and head out. I turn the corner and I fall and coffee spills all over me. My ankle twisted on my fall down and hurts like hell. I try to stand up but fail, its hurts too much. "What the bloody hell?!?!" I scream. I look up to see blue orbs like mine. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you turn the corner. are you okay?" He says. I was still focused on his eyes but say "well does it look like I'm okay, I can't move my foot!" I say with anger visible in my voice. "How about I help you to the hospital? It's the least I can do since you hurt you're ankle?"I just noticed that he had a thick Irish accent.

Why would people think we are related? I accept his offer and we go in there car and leave.

*at hospital

When we got there the brown eyed boy carried me bridal style into the hospital. I just remembered that we haven't officially met."so,what's your name?" I ask. They all turn around shocked. What? Did I miss something? And the black hair guy spoke."you don't know who we are?"he asked. I shook my head no. "Well I'm niall"the blonde one spoke. "I'm Harry" the curly haired one spoke and kissed my hand." I'm zayn"the black haired one spoke." I'm Louis" the caramel hair one spoke."I'm liam" the brown eyed cutie spoke. Wait....did I just say that?"And your name is?" Louis said." Oh's April."I wanted to ask more questions but the doctor called my name and this time niall carried me to the room. We walked in and the doctor examined my foot."Well we will take some x-rays and see if is sprained or not." The doctor spoke. I was scared. What is couldn't dance again or do gymnastics or play soccer?!?! That reminds me I have dance tomorrow morning and a soccer game this weekend. Ugh I'm in deep shit now.

*1 hour later-after X-rays

The doctor came back and said I have a sprained ankle and should keep off of it for a week."What about dance? I have classes tomorrow and a soccer game this saturday?"the doctor spoke again,"I'm sorry but you have to rest it and take some pain killers to keep the pain down." The boys helped me stand up and walk out. I had to get back to my parents.......oh god they'll kill me if they see my ankle and think I'm wanting attention and probably try and break my ankle and make it even worst than it is. I decided to call my brother for help.





He answered on the fourth ring.

(R=Ryan A=April)


A:hey Ryan could you pick me up and maybe drop me off at Victoria's?

R:yeah, what happened this time you go over when something wrong?

Ugh he knew me too well.

A:ill show you when you get her just come to the hospital as fast as you can ok?

R:yeah oh my god what happened?!?! Why are you at the hospital? Did you break something did someone shoot you did someone st-" I cut him off ugh he had the worst accusations.

A:No you are the worst at accusations you know that right?

R:whatever ill be there in 5 minutes.

A:k, love ya bye ryry!

R:ugh I told you not to call me that!

A:I know that's why I called you that

R:whatever bye see ya appie boo!

A: ugh I hate when you call me that!

R:I know that's why I called you that.

He mocked me voice. Ugh it wasn't even good. My voice is like a goddess and his is a dying cow hahah jk!


Then I hung up.i turned around and saw all the boys staring at me like I was a crazy raper or something.

"Um why are you all staring?Do you think I'm like a raper or something?"

Liam's pov

When she was on the phone with this Ryan guy I thought it was her boyfriend. I kinda got jealous. Then she asked why we were staring and if we thought she was a raper! I was so funny we all burst out laughing. Then we decide to talk for a while." So April we didnt get your last name, what is it?"I asked." We'll I didn't get any of yours either!" She said back and giggled a little. Her giggle was so adorable." Well mine is payne, nialls is Horan, Harry's is styles, zayns is Malik and louis' is Tomlinson." She kinda stiffened when she heard Horan. Does she not like that name?

"Oh well, mine is......uh......Horan..."

She said. My eyes looked like they were about to pop outta my head. She has the same name as niall!!!!! I looked at her and niall. Well niall used to have brown hair so they have the same hair color. They both have brown hair blue eyes but she has an American accent. Well nialls dad is American. But his mom has an Irish accent. Maybe they could be related. I looked at the others I guess they saw it too. Niall and April looked both confused and uncomfortable. They don't even see it. They must share one brain!

"Who are your parents?" When I asked she stiffened at the mention of her parents. I wonder why. Then her brother propped through the door. She ran up and hugged him and put her legs around his waist. They must be reealll close. She hopped off him and whispered something to him. And he hugged her again. She took a look at us then when he looked at niall his eyes were like popping outta his head. He pulled away from her and looked at her." You took could. Be like freakin' twins except your a girl form if him." He said." Aw thanks I've always wanted to be compared to a boy when I grew up..... Ooh my wishes came true!!!!!" She jumped around like a crazy person to add the excitement to her sarcastic comment." Sorry ape just was saying..." He said." Well I have to tell you something in the car mom and dad haven't told you but you have to promise not to be mad..." He told her. I was confusedu could he not say it in front of usu its like he read my mind. "No offense it's a brother sister thing" he said.

April's pov

I wonder wht he is gonna say to me. When we get in the car he blurts out." I'm sorry I never told you but your adopted!" He said all at once.i wanted to cry but I couldnt. Then there was another question on my mind..........

Who are my real parents?

Hello my little cupcakes I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will update really soon.

Love you



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