Chapter 2- Who are they?

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Hey! I know I'm really late w/ chapters but I've been busy so please read! Hope you like it!



Chapter 2: Who are they?

April's POV

All I want to know is, who are they? Since I'm adopted and these aren't my real parents, then who ARE my real parents? But I'm mostly angry for 2 reasons. 1) My adopted parents pretended to be my real parents and 2) My real parents gave me up for adoption! I mean, they might of had a good reason to give me up, but have they ever thought maybe their child wants love? My adopted parents.....well, I'm kinda happy I wasn't born from them. Those little bastards are getting a hell of a lot of shit from me. I wonder if Ryan knows who they are?

"Hey Ryan? Do you know who my real parents are?" I asked him quietly, still shocked from hearing the news.

"No, I don't babes. But if you want we can try and find out who they are?" Ryan said. I didn't know if I wanted to find them or not. I'm mad at them for ruining my life to live with those awful parents,I have for 18 years. I swear I'm going to get a job and move out. I'm officially an adult anyway! What's stopping me? Oh......I wouldn't be able to be with Ryan that much. Maybe he could live with me? Who knows. Well of that subject.

"Um, how about I just get a job, move out, an just live life? I mean they gave me away, so they couldn't have had that much of an interest in me." I replied to his earlier question. Ryan looked me, a little sadness in his eyes.

"Your moving out?" Ryan asked. I then realized what I said. "Ryan, I was wondering if you would move in with me? I mean I probably couldn't pay rent by myself ya know! I'd probably be fired on the first week I start!" I said while laughing. Ryan soon joined me and said," yeah, u were always lazy, as a child u would refuse to get out of bed to even play w/ toys!"

"Haha, so yes or no? I haven't got all day boy!" I laughed. Ryan looked at me for a second before replying. "Sure babes! But you have to help w/ rent to! Just making sure that's clear..." I laughed and told him sure.

We rode home and ran upstairs to look at apartments. We finally found one and it was perfect! It had a medium size kitchen, and a large living room, with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I was hoping we could make something fun in the 3rd room, if we get it. We gave an email saying that we wanted to look at the apartment. I was going to look for jobs tomorrow morning before we left to look at the apartment. Ryan already had a job so he didn't really didn't need to worry about that. We went downstairs to have dinner. Mom and dad were eating and watched us walk in. "Aren't you gonna say hello bitch?!?" My mother yelled at me. I wasn't really in the mood to fight w/ her so I turned around, looked at them and said,"Hello King and Queen of all Bastards, how was your day killing people?" They stared at me dumbfounded. I've never been one to talk back to them. No one has except Ryan but he got smacked in the face. I took my food an say down and waited for one of them to hit me. My mother looked at Ryan and said," You told her didn't you?" She looked like she was about to cry but I don't know why. They've never cared about me so why do they care now?" She was gonna know sooner or later!" Ryan defended. I was just sitting there watching the whole thing. They were planning on never telling me?!? I got up and walked to my room. I decided that a little sleep would probably help. I've had a big day today and I will tomorrow too. I quickly washed my face and put my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. I got in bed and thought bout the boys I met today. Why were they staring at me and the blonde kid like that? Hopefully soon, I will get answers.

Hope you enjoyed to chapter! Tell me what you think?!? Comment, vote, anything! I PROMISE I will post a new chapter soon! I might post one tomorrow or later today! Love y'all!


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