Chapter 41: Walks and Talks

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April's POV
Hectic.That's how I can describe how today was.

The boys woke up that morning in the hotel at 6 a.m so they could have a quick breakfast and go meet up with some people to talk about the TCA's.
I, being the lazy ass I am, am sitting in bed watching the whole season of American Horror Story. Again. At 11 a.m. I'm supposed to be ready to go at 11:30 so Me, Jaz, Eleanor, and Riley can have a girls day. Which is something I'm not too excited about. I'm not a girly girl like those three. I like laid back outfits. Like my oh so amazing grey sweatpants, which I am wearing now. Today is just not my day. Wanna know why? Jasmine walked in, but that's not the bad part. She looked angry and her left eye was twitching.

I'm going to die.

"Get dressed before I shove you in the most girliest dress I can find in Eleanor's suitcase," Jasmine says through clenched teeth. That was my cue to pick my ass up and change.
It's a little chilly in LA so I got out a floral, pastel green hoodie, a pair of leggings, and pastel green converses. I quickly took a shower and dried off with a towel, leaving my hair to air dry, and slipping my clothes on. I put in a pair of pearl earrings and clipped on a silver music note pendant necklace. I pull my hair into a messy bun since my curly hair isn't cooperating today.

I grab my phone as I make my way out of the hotel room and towards the elevators. I know Jasmine is an impatient person and she will most likely be waiting downstairs at the front doors. Now I know what your thinking. Impatient much? And yes. It's true. Think that all you want because it's true. And guess what I see when I step out of the elevator. Jasmine and the other 2 girls. Eleanor and Riley were laughing and talking while Jasmine kept looking at her phone and scowling. Once she saw me out of the elevator, she grabbed my arm dragged me towards a car I've never seen. We kept our heads low through the paparazzi so Jasmine won't be recognized. She scurried away fast towards the car, desperately trying not to have a panic attack or something.

"What took you so fucking long? I was stuck with girly number one and blondie number two," Jasmine complained right before the two girls opened the door and scooted in the car. Jasmine isn't much of a girly girl as you can see. She does like some girl time, she just hates getting her nails done and waxing her eyebrows and giggling about boys. Maybe it should be called tomboy time instead of girl time. Jasmine and I always call it girl time but, honestly, we don't talk much about girly things. Except boys. Which Darren hates.

"So, where to first, Ladies?" Eleanor smiled while speaking. Eleanor is awesome. She's sweet and kind, Louis' lucky to have her. We've became close over the past few months. Not as close as Jasmine and I, but Eleanor is close.

"I'm starving, so we can head over to Panera Bread first," I say with a bright smile. Panera is one of my weaknesses. What would life be like without Panera? Or food in general? It's so good!

We drive to the closest Panera around here, and apparently its pretty far. Well, for me it is. Half an hour is too long for me. I wouldnt be surprised if people were staring at me. I literally ran inside the place with a grin on my face. I think I drooled a little when i smelled the pastries. I could hear the distant giggling of the three girls who came here with me, along with the gasps of teenagers and younger girls who knew them.

"Geez. I didn't think you were that hungry," Riley giggled. I saw Jasmine roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye, which made me confused. Did Jasmine not like Riley? Oh, we are definitely going to have a talk later.

"I'm always hungry," I laugh. I walk up towards the line and grab Jasmines arm so she's standing beside me. She gives me a confused glance as she watches me drag her away from the two giggling girls behind us. Once we're a good 5 feet away from them, I turn her towards me and look her over. Curled hair, more make up than usual, and perfume. Someone's got a crush.

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