Chapter 22: Hatred And Sugar Rushes

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April's POV

1 Month.

I've been in the apartment, in my bedroom for a whole month. Well, not literally. I go to school, walk home or take the bus, go back to my room, and come out to eat dinner.

I talk to Ryan a lot more. He asks almost every week if I'm going to talk to them, but it's always the same. No. I haven't talk to any of the boys. I've ignored all calls, texts, voicemails, everything. Even Eleanor and Riley called me every once and a while to see if I wanted to hang out or something. But the answer is always the same. No.

I have been keeping track of them. Niall looks fine, but you can see the sorrow in his eyes whether he likes it or not. Zayn's been acting normal, just less enthusiastic about things. Harry looks like crap to put it nicely. He either gets snappy or almost never talks. Louis talks like a robot. Montone and Robotic, like he recorded it or planned it. And last but not least, Liam. Liam's the one that is perfectly fine. He smiles, laughs, excited. He knows he's crushing me and he enjoys it. He's the one that only called once. He only called once. Says he's falling in love my ass. He's moved on. Doesn't care about me being gone. He's now dating Danielle.

It's all over twitter and the news. Hell, it's even all over YouTube. He holds her hand, kisses her cheek, hugs her, takes her on dates, gives her piggyback rides that he used to give me. He's happy and I don't want to ruin that for him. As much as I hate his guts, I care about all those boys happiness, and that, unfortunately, includes Liam's.

Today I decided I was going to meet Niall. Only Niall. I love the other boys, Liam not so much, but I can't handle all of then right now, it's too much. It was Friday and it was the end of the day. I was walking towards the apartment when I heard a car honk behind me. I turned around and saw what I was waiting to see for the past month. I saw four of the five boys in a Range Rover smiling and waving look lunatics.

I put a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound that sounded like something between a laugh and a sob. When the first tear fell, they all got out of the car and ran towards me. Niall was the first one to hug me.

"Don't ever leave me again," He choked out. Oh God. When Niall cries, your screwed. Him crying just made me cry even harder. I felt the boys join our hug. How did I survive this long without them? I have no idea, but I missed them like crazy. Once we all separated, I was kissing all their cheeks like crazy. They all chuckled and removed me from their grasp.

"God, I missed you buttercup," Harry mumbled. All of them were crying and it was literally the worst sight in the world. They made me want to crawl under my covers and cry till I die. Hey, that rhymed.

"I missed you all so much," I cried. Zayn looked at me with a curious expression with his eyes still filled with tears.

"Why didn't you come to see us then? You could've called back or answered our texts or came to visit," Zayn explained. I felt bad that I did it, but I couldn't see him. Not when he was mad at me.

"You guys didn't believe me. I thought that you all thought I was a nutcase," I told them.

"We didn't know who to believe, that was the problem. Danielle looked surprised, but you sounded like you knew what you were talking about, but it was all confusing," Niall said. Louis was laughing after that. We all turned to him with surprised and confused expressions.

"I was hoping that you were so mad that you would hit her. Could you do that now?" Louis asked. That was when we all laughed. Of course Louis would think about hitting someone at a time like this.

"What's wrong with him and Danielle? They dated before, how is this any different?" I asked them. It hurt to talk about him with someone else, especially someone who's getting information on me. I still don't know why, by the way.

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