Chapter 17: Mysteries and Lies

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April's POV

The house was crazy. Everyone wanted to play 20 questions with me and Liam, but that wasn't the worst part. They took my skittles. Everyone was eating them, especially Niall. I actually felt like crying. They're almost empty!

"Liam, can we go buy more skittles, and a separate bag for Niall apparently?" Niall looked at me with a sheepish expression before eating another skittle. We were all currently sitting in a circle on the floor with the bag of skittles in Nialls hand. Since it's not a 2 player game anymore we had to change it up. You pick one person to start and then ask a random person a question and then throw a skittle in that persons mouth. A lot of people keep missing others mouths so Niall volunteered to clean up the mess. With his mouth.

"Yeah. Anyone want anything else while I'm there?" Liam asks. Too damn nice.

"Can you buy more Oreos and Nutella? April ate all of it," Niall glared at me while I have him a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, sure. Anything else?" Everyone shook their head. Then Danielle decided to speak up.

"Why don't you go with Niall? He is your brother, right? It's not like you and Liam are dating," She smirked, probably knowing Niall doesn't know.

"I want him to spend time with his girlfriend. He gets to see me all the time," I tell her. But, of course, she has a comeback.

"What about Harry and Zayn? They don't have anyone here," She looks smug while I glare.

"Let's just say there's a boy here that doesn't want to be near you and I'm helping," I smirk at her now formed scowl. I walk over to Liam and fix my beanie.

"Can I drive?" I ask Liam with puppy dog eyes. He looks over to Niall for help.

"She drives? Who let her have her license?" He asked like he was horrified. I slapped his arm playfully and grabbed his keys.

"For your information, I am a good driver. They said I was one of the best out of my class. I don't drive like Louis or Harry," He laughs after that.

"Hey!" Louis and Harry yell at me. I turn and grin at them. They scowl at my face.

"Don't lie. Your horrible drivers," I laugh.

"Louis is too slow and Harry is just plain horrible. All over the road, slow, fast. You'll be lucky if he actually goes the speed limit." After that little laugh, me and Liam went out the door. I walk to the drivers seat and unlock the doors. Liam gets in the car and starts fidgeting with his hands.

"Okay. Put the key in the engine and make sure the car its in drive and fix your mirrors," I look at him with a glare before he could finish.

"I've driven before. How do you think I have my license?" He quickly looks at me with a nervous look.

"Do you have your license with you?" I nod my head and pat my bag that had my license. He breathes out a breath and buckles up. He holds onto the arm rest so tight that I actually feel bad for the poor thing. Liam is gonna kill that arm rest. I start the car and put it in reverse. Once I've back up enough, I put it in drive and sped down the road. I was only 5 over the speed limit, we'll live.

"Slow down! What do you think this is?!" Liam asks frantically. I turn to give him a look, but he moves my head back to the road

"Eyes on the road at all times. And slow down!" I swear if he criticizes one more thing I'm going to tape his mouth shut.

"I'm going 40 in a 35, it's legal. Calm down, I've never crashed before, I know what I'm doing," I tried to grab his hand, but, of course, he puts my hand back on the wheel. I roll my eyes and look ahead, ignoring him at all costs. My last nerve is about to pop, so he better keep his trap shut for the rest of the ride there. Thank God he did. The rest of the ride was silence. We grabbed skittles, Oreos, Nutella, and creamer. I like my coffee and I'm not made of money, so we drink coffee at home. We paid and got back in the car. I know I'm a bad person, but it had to be done. I duck tapped Liam's mouth shut and arms to the arm rest. I had a headache and I didn't want him to make it worse with his nagging. He kept struggling in the duck tape and glaring at me throughout the whole ride home. When we finally reached the house, he finally got the duck tape to snap and let his arms loose.

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