Chapter 46: Truths and The Man

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Louis' POV

I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling as I thought of the horrible act I just finished. Darren lay beside me, hand intertwined with mine as he slept. His black hair lay messily over his forehead as silent snores pass through his pink lips.

The worst part of this situation is that I like it. I liked it a lot. Not just the sex, but the sex was good. Darren's different. It's like he had me in a trance, but I know I'm not actually in one. I want to say it's just a crush, or an infatuation. Of course, I would be lying. I knew this guy was more than a crush to me. He made me smile when I felt like shit. He made me laugh when he did the dumbest shit, along with his horrible jokes.

I also noticed the small things about him. Wrinkles appeared by his eyes when he smiled, a small dimple was on his right cheek, his nose scrunches up when he's confused, and other things along those lines. His presence over all makes my mood brighten. God, that sounds like one of his corny pick-up lines.

A movement to my right caught my eyes. Darren turned on side, facing me. His eyes were still closed as he wrapped his other hand around my arm as he cuddled against me. Unconsciously, I move my other arm around Darren protectively. All my thoughts of regret and me being a shitty boyfriend were thrown out the window as I cuddled against Darren and attempted to ease my mind with sleep.

April's POV

I move around the room, hastily, as I slip on clothes to wear. Liam was sitting in bed, watching me like the situation at hand is not a big deal. It was the first time in weeks since Bryan has called me. Apparently, he's been with Victoria this whole time.

The 'mysterious man' Danielle works for is a man, a man related to me. Bryan had a strong feeling that it was my dad, my biological father not my stepfather. I just hope he isn't as demanding and crazy like my mum and stepdad.

"Babe, calm down. Its nothing too serious. Your acting like its your last day on earth," Liam explained with a light chuckle. I turn towards him and glare before walking to the bathroom and fixing my make up. I slipped a pair of black and white leggings up my legs after I took off my pajama pants. I slid into a black t-shirt and planted a pink flower crown on the mess I call my hair. I walk out of the bathroom after my make-up was done and I was changed. Liam was now in the drawers searching for something to wear. I grabbed my chucks, which were by his feet. I sat on the bed, slipping them on and tying them.

"You okay?" I heard Liam ask. I look up and see Liam looking at me. I squirm under his gaze and nod.

"Yeah, why?" I ask him quietly. Truth was, I was past nervous. I didn't know if he was like my foster parents or my real mother. I didn't know if he was nice or mean or evil. All I knew was his name and where I need to meet him today.

"You've been quiet. Just don't let this get to you. Your thinking negatively. Your thinking 'what if'. That won't help you at all," Liam explained as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I lean into him, wanting some type of comfort. Liam rubbed my back affectionately as he continued to hug me.

"I'm just scared. I don't know what he's like. I don't know what he looks like or what he does or if he's cruel and selfish. Its frightening to say the least," I say shakily.

"It's just like making a new friend. You don't know them yet. You have to actually meet him. Don't get so worked up, babe," Liam chuckled. I smile up at him gratefully. We leave the room a few minutes after our talk. The boys were going out today, hoping the weather was decent enough to go look and hang around the beach.

I was sitting, more like shaking, in my seat. We were sitting at one of the tables at a restaurant. It was one of the outside tables. It gave us a great view of the beach that was a couple yards away. People were walking around, chatting as they stopped at one of the stores or restaurants.

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