Chapter 29: No Food and Shopping Trips

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[ On the YouTube video, Aprils outfit is the 1st one.]

April's POV

It has been a week since the meet and greet. Bryan came a couple days ago and is now settled in our guest bedroom. He has seemed suspicious about my eating habits, but he hasn't said anything. We are going out to the mall and discuss some ideas to get out of this Danielle thing plus finding out who wanted information on me.

Surprisingly, I've only passed out twice this week. I've eaten literally nothing, but those stupid lollipops and I only passed out twice. It's actually a good thing. The problem is lunch. On the weekends, me, the boys, and Ryan all try to go out and eat lunch together. I made the excuse that I was feeling sick, which is kinda true. If I eat something as big as I used to, I have the urge to get sick. Those appetite suppressants really work.

We are now at the mall and Victoria is zooming from store to store. She always loved to shop, which is why she chose to talk at the mall. We wanted to go to a more secluded place, but Victoria complained about her running low on sweaters, and she needs her sweaters for winter.

"Danielle wants to meet up with me at the café down town. We're meeting up at 1 pm tomorrow. You need to be there, be dressed where she doesn't recognize you. I'll record the conversation and you stand outside and follow her to her car. Follow her till she stops. Make sure she's at a building that looks kinda grey. It'll be tall and it's a brick concrete type house. Get the address and come back. I don't know the address, only what it looks like," Bryan says to me. Victoria was digging in a rack of dresses while we talked beside her in the corner.

"April, this dress would be adorable on you," Victoria pulled out a dress and lifted it up.

"Vic? Do you remember the last time I wore a dress?" I questioned. She looked confused for a moment before she pouted.

"Please. Just get this one. You could wear leggings under them if you want," Victoria begs with a pout. I roll my eyes at her. She knows that her puppy dog face is the worst, but I think it's cute how she tries and it makes it irresistible.

"Okay, but your paying. I'm not letting people know I bought that thing," I cringe when I say the word 'thing'. Vic rolls her eyes and skips over to the counter with 3 sweaters and that dress. I kinda felt bad that I made her pay. I'll pay her back later.

"So, what's been going on with you?" Bryan asked me. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes and gives me a flat look.

"Your eating habits. You went from McDonalds to a freakin' lollipop. What's going on?" He asks me. I look out the window of the store, which I behind him. I see skinny people everywhere. Girls with nice bodies, perfect hair. Everything I didn't.

"Nothing. I haven't been hungry lately. I've been feeling sick," I told him. This is my usual answer. It's nothing new. It now sounds robotic from how many times I've said it. It's better than them knowing. He skims me over and looks back up at my face. I can see the slight smirk on his face, but he's trying to hide it.

"We can go see a doctor of you want? It's been a week. You have to eat something or you could pass out and possibly die," He shrugs his shoulders at me. He said it so nonchalant! What the heck?

"No, I'm good. I'll try something today, okay?" I ask him. Before he could answer me back, I walk over towards Victoria and wait for her to finish. I look over and see Bryan on his phone, talking to someone. To be honest, it kinda frightened me. He knows the boys and they could find the pills and ban me from their sights or something. Okay, that's a little exaggerated.

"Well, I'm ready. Are we all ready to leave?" Victoria asks us. I didn't notice Bryan moved over beside her till now. I looked at him, but he just gave me a blank expression.

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