~Chapter 3~

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Preston's POV
My eyes flutter open and I let out a yawn. I reached out my hand and grabbed my phone that was beside me. 10:32. I should get up now.

I got up from the couch, and made myself some coffee. While its brewing, I go upstairs and check my notifications on YouTube and go through my emails. I go and check my YouTube, there's a lot of comments on my latest video with Rob.


Most of them are just fan comments (And don't get me wrong, I love my fans) pointing things out, other comments are hate, but there's this one comment stood out to me.


They are already shipping me and Rob! I can't believe that and the comment has already gotten 502 likes. I guess the people like the Poofless videos, I should try to do more videos with Rob.


I go onto messages on my iPhone, and I see a new message from Rob! I click open the message. "Hey Preston. Can we talk later? I got an important question." He sent the message at 9:30. I type back, "Hey Rob, yeah! Call me whenever. I'll be here!"

He starts a call.

Rob's POV
"Hey Rob! What's up?" Preston chirped.

"I have to ask something and I want to see if you like the idea." I'm actually quite nervous about bringing this up, but it's about time.


"How would you feel... If I planned to visit you in Texas?" It felt so good to get that out. Now to see if that can be a thing or not...

"That would be so amazing! Do you know when?"

"Maybe... Next week. I bet that it wouldn't be too hard to get a flight there on late notice."

"Cool! S-should I come and get you?" Did he just stutter? I let the the thought go and continue to speak.

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all!"

"Okay, I'll text you the details about the flight. Can't wait!"

"Same here. See you later!" He says.

"Okay! Bye."


The call ends. I can't believe it. That was easy. Now to just get a flight. I go onto a website for airlines and there's a direct flight to Forth Worth, Texas from here surprisingly. I look over at the details and text them to Preston.

"Okay, my flight should get into Fort Worth, Texas around 11:45 at night on Thursday, November 27th. Is that alright?"

He replies a couple of minutes later, "Yeah! I see you then!"

I buy my ticket and texted him I bought the ticket and now it's official.

I get to meet Preston in real life for the first time.

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