~Chapter 12~

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Preston's POV
I'm glad Rob was okay with visitors. I should've told him first, but we have been planning visits for months and it's been a little crazy with our schedules and stuff.

After we say our goodnights, we part ways and walk to our own rooms. I walk towards my bed and laid down. Next thing I knew, I was fast asleep.

~Timeskip to the Next Night~

Rob and I are currently recording a new vlog on our way to the airport.

"So everybody, we are 5 minutes away from the airport. Why the airport you might ask? Well, Lachlan is visiting! He will be staying with Rob and I for a month. And you know what that means... Challenge Videos. Mitch and Jerome (I like calling them Merome Wink Wink) are coming to visit too. They are driving all the way from Florida to Texas and they should be here a little after we get back so we have most of the Pack here."

Just as I finished saying that, we are at the front of the airport and the very tall male approach us. "Aye Preston!" He calls and I stop recording. Rob and I get out of the car to greet him.

"Hey Lachy!" I give him a hug. "This is Rob, he's visiting as well."

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Lachlan, and I look forward to getting to know you." He shakes Rob's hand.

"As Preston says, I'm Rob, and yup, glad to meet you too."

"There will be time to get to know because I have a very special challenge video planned." I smirk.

We all walk back to the car, Lachlan puts his stuff in the trunk and climbs into the backseat and sits in the middle. I start the recording again.

"Lachy is here!"

"Hey guys!" He gives a little wave.

"So now we are going to drive home and await the arrival of Merome!"

"Oh, Mitch and Jerome are visiting?" I may have forgotten to tell Lachlan, but now he knows, right?


"That's nice. Haven't seen them in awhile."

"Rob looks like he's going to fall asleep." I say and Rob turns and smiles at me.

"I'm awake, no worries!" He makes a face at the camera and I laugh.

We continue our car ride back to my place having a little chat. When we get there, we say goodbye and concluded the vlog. I open my door and I get jumpscared by Merome. "That was so worth it!" Jerome says and high fives Mitch.

"Yeah that was!" Mitch chirps and smiles. "Hey guys!" He smiles at us.

"Hey, how did you guys get in here?"

"We have our ways..." They both smirk.

"Whatever." Lachlan and I walk to give them a hug and out of the corner of my eye, I see Rob looking very awkward.

He's so cute...

Why do I keep saying that? Okay, so back to the greetings.

"Okay Merome..." They both blush. "This is Rob and he's staying with me for a little while."

"Nice to meet you dood! I'm Jerome, this is Mitch." Jerome says and shakes Rob's hand.

"Hi. It's great to meet you. Preston was talking about how he had someone visiting and I'm going to take a guess that's you!" Mitch smiles.

Rob looks at me with a shy smile. "I guess I am." He says as they both shake hands.

"Okay, so I have a challenge video idea like I told Rob and Lachlan, we are doing..."

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