~Chapter 22~

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Preston's POV
It's been a little over 3 and a half months since Mitch had fallen into a coma. Rob has gone home to Montreal, but plans to return tomorrow. I plan to ask him to move in with me. Hopefully he will say yes.

Rob and I's relationship has grown stronger. Lachlan and his new boyfriend, Vikk, got together and have gone back to their countries. They plan to move in somewhere in the United States, but I have no clue where yet. Everything has turned out well for the most of us.

Jerome's not doing very well. He hardly leaves the hospital. He watches Mitch a lot and basically lives in the room with him. The doctor doesn't mind that Jerome cuddles with Mitch every night. He goes out to get food and water, but returns having hope that his love has woken up. Sadly, no such luck.

Since Jerome hardly ever leaves, he has lost a ton of weight. I go and visit them almost everyday, bringing something for them. It hurts me to see Jerome in this much pain. He must really love him.

My thoughts start to fade as I get a Skype call from Rob. My heart jumps in joy as I click the accept button. "Hey Rob!"

"Hey Preston! How are you?" He smiles. Even though we are many miles away from each other, he still has the power to make my heart melt.

"I'm doing alright! How about you?" I return his smile.

"I'm doing good. How's Mitch and Jerome?" A worried expression spreads on his face.

"Mitch is still asleep and Jerome... Let's just say, he isn't doing well. He hardly ever leaves. I plan on visiting him today and keeping company. It's hard to see the happy Jerome fading into the depressed Jerome." I say and he frowns.

"I feel very bad for him. Mitch must have really damaged himself." His voice got a bit quiet. "At least you'll be there to keep him company." He returns to his upbeat tone.

"Yeah, anyways, when will you get in tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. Early huh?"

"Oh yeah." I let out a small laugh. "I don't know if I will be able to pick you up." I joke.

"B-But Sempai-" He uses his cute playful voice.

"I'll be there. I wouldn't leave you." I use the same tone he gave me and he starts to grin.

"YAY!" He gives the jazz hands.

"So, I'm going to go over to the hospital. I'll text you later." I tell him.

"Okay, sounds good to me. Bye!" He waves.

"Bye!" I wave and end the Skype call. I get up and I grab Cards Against Humanity and Uno. I get in my car and drive to the hospital. The lady smiles and waves as I walk by. I return the gesture and walk straight to Mitch's room.

When I walk in, I see Jerome cuddling with Mitch, holding him close to his chest. I let out a soft 'awe' and sit down on the seat.

Jerome's eyes open very slowly and looks around. He notices me and his face goes red. "Oh, hey Preston." He gives a weak smile and gets off the bed.

"Hey man, how are you today?" I give him a hug and we separate after a few seconds.

"Mitch still hasn't woken up. W-What if he doesn't wake up?" He sounds so nervous.

"All we need to do is have some hope." I pat his back. "Anyways, want to play a game? I have Cards Against Humanity. I know that's your favorite..." I nudge him and he lets out a true smile.

"Sure!" He chirps and I can't help but smile.

We play a ton of rounds of Cards Against Humanity. It was relieving  to hear Jerome's laughter. I haven't seen him like this in a long time. I'm glad he's enjoying this time.

Since I lost track of time, I check my phone and notice it's 10:30 p.m. I decided this is a good time to leave so I can be somewhat energetic I'm the morning.

"Hey, I got to go. I just checked the time, it's 10:30, and I have to pick up Rob early in the morning." I started packing my things.

"Okay. Thanks for hanging out. I've enjoyed it." He smiles at me.

"No problem, man. I'll see you tomorrow!" I chirp.

"See you, goodbye." He waves as I open the door.

"Goodbye!" I shut the door behind me and walked out of the hospital. I drove home and as soon as I walked in, texted Rob goodnight (he responds right away), and I plopped down on the bed. I closed my eyes fell asleep.

Soulmates ||| Pooflessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें