~Chapter 25~

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~ 1 Year Later ~
Rob's POV

Today is the 3 year anniversary since Preston and I met (and yes, I do remember that). This is also an important day because:

Today is the day I'm going to propose to the love of my life.

I have been planning this for months. I just wanted to wait until the day and time was just perfect. I'm so excited!

I woke up early this morning and got dressed in my blue hoodie, black jeans and converse. I got all groomed and took care of personal hygiene. I grab the box, the posters, and laid a note on the nightstand next to Preston's side of the bed. After, I quietly exited the condo and started to prepare.

This is the day.

Preston's POV
My eyes flutter open slowly. I look to the side and notice that Rob isn't by my side. I look on my nightstand and see a letter addressed to me. I pick it up and started to read.

I'm sorry I wasn't there next you today, but I have surprise for you. Unfortunately, you can't see this until sundown. Here's how to get to the location.
• Go to the park where we watched the clouds together.
• Walk towards the sign in the back. It's a trail.
• Follow the rose petals and there you'll find me.
I'll see you soon, my love,
Rob <3

I decided to catch up on some videos. I played a couple of parkour maps, a factions, and an adventure map. I publish one parkour map and it's already 3 p.m.

I go and take a shower so I can freshen up. I wash my hair and body and hopped out of the shower. After I got dried off, I wrapped the towl around my torso, and I shaved my stubble, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and got dressed in a black hoodie with flames on it, black jeans, and put my grey beanie on. I check the time. 4:45 p.m.

I walked back into my room, set an alarm for 6:30 p.m. After, I laid on my bed and took a nap.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hear my alarm blaring throughout my room. I jumped up and straightened out my clothes and put on my black coverse.

After that, I exit the condo.

I got on my bike and ride over to the park. I look around and I see the sign that Rob wrote about. I ride over there and I see rose petals. I locked my bike in the bike rack and walked into the trail.

I walk along the rose petal trail and up ahead, I see a poster hanging on a tree.

I love you, Preston...

I blush and I start to jog. This is starting to get interesting. There's another poster up ahead.

You are the love of my life...

I start full on running. I see another sign hanging.

I want to be by your side forever.

I run for just a little longer, and then I stop. The sight in front of me is just so beautiful, tears start forming in my eyes.

I see Rob standing in a circle of grass, and all these lovely flowers are surrounding the circle. There's super tall trees with lanterns hanging down. I see a flower crown on Rob's head and I see him holding another one.

We both smile and I run to him. We hugged and kissed passionately. We parted, both smiling still.

"What is all of this?" I ask.

"From the moment I first met you, I got a sense that you would change my life. You did in the best possible way." He says.

He puts the flower crown on my head. I feel the tears falling from my eyes.

"I longed to see you, and when I did, I was happy. In fact, overjoyed. I got to meet my best friend in real life. It turns out, it wasn't only my best friend, but it was the love of my life."

He held my hands in his.

"I would never hurt you, nor would I want to. I care so much about you. I fell in love with you."

He lets go and puts his hand in his pocket.

"I would move mountains for you, I would take a bullet for you, I would do anything for you. I will always be there."

He reveals a box and my heart stops.

Oh my God!

"Will you marry me?" He asks and pulls out a ring. I am full on crying now.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" He smiles as he puts the ring on my finger and we kiss. It was sweet, passionate, and best of all, perfect.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say back as we kiss again.

The lanterns are shining above us and the rose petals are falling from the trees. Perfect scene for the perfect moment.

I love Rob and he loves me.
It was meant to be.

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