~Chapter 15~

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Rob's POV
"I think we should do a truth or dare challenge video." Preston smirks.

Lachlan writes it down on a notepad and turns to me. "What do you think?"

"We should play manhunt." I suggest. "When we drove home front the airport, I saw a forest and it looked spooky." I smirk.

"How would that work?" Lachlan bites the tip of his pencil.

"One, the team searching can hold the camera. Two, everybody can have their camera phones out and record and simply edit everything together. Three, someone can sit out while 2v2 and that someone can be cameraman."

"I like the manhunt idea." Preston smiles. "Good chance to scare people."

"Yeah. So when do you guys want to do that?"

"Tonight." Preston and I say in unison.

"Merome would obviously be a team. I don't want to play manhunt tonight so the other team should be you two. Team Poofless!" Lachlan beams.

Preston's face goes red and even my cheeks start to burn. "Fine by me." I tell him and he writes something down.

"Let's go eat. I'm starving!" Preston says, gets up, and walks out of the room.

"Where?" It's either wake up Merome or stay and make pancakes and then wake them up.

"LET'S MAKE PANCAKES!" Lachlan cheers and we get out the stuff to make pancakes.

We made 15 pancakes so each person can have 3. It took a little over an half hour to make, and since Lachlan was actually making pancakes while Preston and I were getting drinks and fruit prepared, it should be good. "I'll go wake up the guys." Preston walks out of the room.

"PRESTON!" I hear Jerome yell. Lachlan and I start laughing.

"WAKE UP! WE GOT PANCAKES!" Preston yells back at him. "OR I WILL JUMP ON YOU TWO AGAIN!" I chuckle.

Preston walks into the room with a goofy smile. "That was worth it as well."

"Well I can see you're enjoying yourself." Jerome walks into the room with Mitch.

"I am." Preston chirps and sits down.

"This looks really good Lachlan!" Mitch says as he stares at the pancakes.

"Go ahead and eat, I'll sit in just a second." Lachlan washes his hands and sits with us. I take a bite out of my pancake. It tastes so good!

"My compliments to the chef." I look at Lachlan.

"Thank you, my good sir." He responds with a little bow.

"Okay, Merome, since Lachlan and Rob already know the plan, we should tell you that there's another challenge video we are doing tonight." Preston explains to them about manhunt and how it's going to work.

"I'm down with the idea!" Jerome said excitedly.

"That sounds fun." Mitch agrees.

"Okay. I think we should get to the forest around 6pm and grab flashlights. By the looks of it, it looks pretty dark and we don't want to lose people." I look at everyone. Mitch and Jerome look pretty happy. Lachlan looks super excited about manhunt. Preston looks a little... Scared, but has a smile plastered on his face.

Is he afraid of the dark?

After everyone finished eating, we all went back to our parts of the condo to get ready. "Hey Preston, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah! What's up?" He sits on the bed and looks at me.

"When I was talking about how we should bring flashlights because it's going to get pretty dark, you looked a little bit... Scared. Do you not like the dark?"

His face turns red. "No. Why should I not?" He says quickly.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." I smile. He returns the smile and walks into the bathroom to go change. Since I did my want to wait for the bathroom, I got dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt and red converse. I grab a black beanie and walk out of the room, and into the common room where Lachlan was. "What time is it?"

He looks down at his watch. "3:45."

I can't believe it's been half the day, and we mostly spent it sleeping!

"Wow. Okay, so when do you want to head out to the forest?"

"Around 5 so we can set up. We should go buy some new flashlights. Want to come?"

"Sure. PRESTON?" I shout, I'm sure he's in the shower.




"THANK YOU!" I run to our room and opened the dresser. I grab the keys and I can't help but notice a journal with a lock on it. I wonder what's in it, but I'm not going to go through his stuff. It's not right.

Lachlan is at the front ready to go shopping. "Ready to go?" He opens the door.


If he is scared, I hope he knows that he can count on me...

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