~Chapter 20~

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Preston's POV
I feel Rob's lips on mine as the song ends. We pull away after and we look at each other with a huge smile.

"Hey guys!" I hear Lachlan chirp and I see an Indian guy standing next to him. "This is my best friend Vikk. It turns out he was in town so yup."

"Hello." Rob and I say in unison.

"Hey, you guys are really cute." Vikk says.

"True!" Lachlan says. "I'll see you guys later. Bye!" They both walk off together and started to dance together.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a stumbling Jerome. Oh god, he's drunk.

He looks at me and walks towards me.

"Hey, I'm going to go get us drinks. I'll be right back." I say and walked away.

I go up to the bar and I see my good friend, Kenny, and relief rushes through me. I know he won't spike our drinks. "Hey Kenny!"

"Hey, man, how's it going?" He asks and high fives me.

"I'm great! How are you?" I ask and I took a seat.

"I'm alright!" He says.

"Good. Can I trust you to get me 2 alcohol-free waters?" I joke and he rolls his eyes and gets the two waters for me. "Thank you, man, see you later!" I say.

"You're welcome!" He says and I walk off back to-

Oh hell no.

In front of me, I see Jerome and Rob kissing. Rob pulls away as soon as he saw me. "Oh no! Preston! This isn't what it looks like-"

"Shut up." Tears are spilling down my face.

"Please let me explain-" He pleads

"NO!" I throw the water at him and turned around. "And don't bother coming back to the condo." I say lowly.

I storm off and I spot Mitch sitting at the bar talking to Kenny. I go up to Mitch and whisper in his ear. "We need to leave. Now."

"Why-" I grab him and drag him off outside.

"I'm sorry about that. But we have to get out of here." I say.

"Okay. Why? What happened?" He asks.

"I'll explain once we get to the condo. CRAP I DON'T HAVE THE KEYS!" I yell.

"I stole them from Jerome as he was getting drinks. Why are we leaving without Rob, Jerome, and Lachlan?"

"I'll explain once we get to the condo. Trust me. Please." Mitch nodded and he handed me the keys.

I turned on the car, got in just as Mitch sat in the passenger. We drove in silence all the way home.

We walked in and sat on the couch. "What happened?" Mitch asks.

"Jerome was making out with Rob." I choked.

Mitch gasped and tears ran down his face. He screams and started to cry. He leaned into me and cried. I cried with him.

"I-I'm so s-sorry M-Mitch." I say.

"I-It's not y-your f-fault." He stutters. "I-I'm going to my r-room. G-Goodnight, P-Preston." He gives a weak smile and runs to his room.

"G-Goodnight, M-Mitch."

I run to my room and straight into the bathroom. I close my door and turned on the shower. Without even thinking, I grabbed my razor and I dragged it across my wrist. 3 deep marks are bleeding out and I continued to cry.

Why must it turn out like this?

I got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I hear a thump coming from across the hall.


I run over and open the bathroom door. Mitch's body has collapsed in a pool of blood, with marks and scars on his body. I scramble towards the nearest phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"H-Hi, I-I just f-found my f-friend c-collapsed on the b-bathroom floor. H-He isn't m-moving!" I choke and gave the details of where I am.

"We are sending help immediately."

"T-Thanks!" I hang up and stood by Mitch and held his hand. "Please make it. You don't deserve this. Make it out alive for me." I whisper and I hear the doors open. I run out of the room as people swarmed in, got Mitch on a stretcher.

"You are allowed to come with." A guy told me. I nod and I walk with them into the ambulance and drove off into the hospital.

When we get there. I sit in the waiting room while Mitch was rolled into a room.

A few hours later, probably around 3 a.m., the doctor lets me see him. I walk with her and I see Mitch's body hooked up with tubes and needles.

He didn't deserve any of this.

"You are Preston Arsement, correct?" The doctor asks me.

"Yes, I am." I told her.

"Your friend has lost a lot of blood and has slipped into a coma. We are not certain when he will wake up. I'm so sorry." I held back more tears.

"It's okay. Thank you."

"You may stay with him as long as you'd like." She gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you." She walks out of the room and I stare at Mitch.

Hang on Mitch. Please.

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