~Chapter 16~

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Rob's POV
We get back from shopping around 4:30. Turns out, finding flashlights were harder than we thought, but we did get these really cool flashlights that you wear on your head so we don't have to worry about dropping it. That's great!

We handed everybody their flashlight head thingies and I made everybody sandwiches to their liking. We all enjoyed a meal until 5:00. Time to go!

We get into the car. Preston's driving, I'm in the passenger navigating because I know where the forest is, Jerome is sitting behind the driver, Mitch was in the middle, and Lachlan is sitting behind me.

We drive for 30 minutes and we get to our destination. All of us get out of the car and stare at the forest.

"Ready to start recording?" Lachlan gets out the camera.

"Yeah!" All of us cheer in unison.

"3... 2... 1..." Lachlan motions for us that he started recording.

"Hello everybody! Preston here with Lachlan, Mitch, Jerome, and Rob and we are about to play manhunt! For those of you who don't know the concept of manhunt, it's basically hide and seek in reverse. One group (single to small group) hides and the rest seek. To make it even better, we are doing it in this in this creepy looking forest. So enjoy!"

We get into groups, get our flashlights, and decide who is looking for who first. Sincerely
We are only playing two rounds because it going to get dark and someone's going to get hurt, Team Poofless let Team Merome hide first. We counted for a minute and then started our search.

"Okay, so Preston and I are going to go look for Merome! For some reason, I feel like it's going to take awhile to find them. They both can climb trees somehow, and both can run very fast so..."

"True, so anyways I can't wait to see where they hide. Anyways, so we are walking on a path, and-" I hear a little giggle coming from the bush beside us. I look at Preston and he stares at the bush. I see two bodies lean in. Preston and I run behind.

"GOT YO-!" I see a boy and a girl kissing and they both looked scared to death. "Hehehe... I'm so sorry, please, continue and we'll be on our way!"

They shoot us an annoyed look and look at each other, then the girl shoos us away. We walk away as if nothing ever happened and continued down the path.

"Please tell me you got that on camera Lachlan." Preston smirks. Lachlan nods.

"Okay! So that was awkward..." I see a male figure up ahead look at us and run. I take off after him. I catch up to him and yank the hood off, it was some random person and he glared at me. Oops. "Hehe, sorry!" He storms off. Jeez I said I was sorry.

Preston and Lachlan catch up to me. "That was hilarious Rob!" Lachlan laughs.

"Shut up..." I laugh and I feel my face heat up.

"Okay, so we continue yet again for our search for Merome. Seriously, they can't get that far in a minute, we've been walking for 7 minutes now!" Preston then stops. He runs off the path and into the forest.

"Wait!" I yell and Lachlan and I run after him. I see him tip toe near another bush. I finally catch up to Preston and stop and stare.

Mitch and Jerome were cuddling and gave cute little kisses. So cute!

"AWE, SO SORRY TO INTERRUPT BUT WE FOUND YOU!" Preston yells. Jerome flinched and Mitch let out a little whimper.

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