~Chapter 21~

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Preston's POV
Rob pulls away as soon as he saw me. "Oh no! Preston! This isn't what it looks like-"

"Shut up." Tears are spilling down my face.

"Please let me explain-" He pleads

"NO!" I throw the water at him and turned around. "And don't bother coming back to the condo." I say lowly.

~ - ~ - ~

Rob's POV
After Preston walked off to get us both drinks, I see Jerome walk up to me. "Hey Robbie!" He slurs. I smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Um. Hey." I say.

"Wanna dance with me?" He asks.

"I-uh." I start but I'm dragged off by Jerome.

"Yay! Let's get it on!" He cheers and he starts to grind on me. I am starting to get uncomfortable...

"Can you not please... Preston will see and I don't like it-"

"Who cares if Preston sees this." He slams his lips into mine. He continues to grind and I open my eyes.

I see Preston standing, with water, looking so heartbroken. His face gets red. "Oh no! Preston! This isn't what it looks like-"

"Shut up." His voice got low and I see the tears running down his face.

"Please let me explain-" I plead.

"NO!" He throws the water at me and turns around. "And don't bother coming back to the condo." He said lowly and stormed off.

I pull Jerome into the bathroom and pinned him against the wall. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST DID?!" I yell in his face.

"Nah." He shrugs.


"I know I did. You know, there's more where that came from." He smirks and tries to kiss me again but I slap him.

"NO! YOU JUST CHEATED ON MITCH!" His eyes widened.

"Mitch! Oh god!" Jerome's voice trembled. "What have I done? I'm so sorry."

"I won't accept until you help me get to them. I don't want either of them doing something crazy."

"Let's go!" Jerome tries to run. "Wait! What about Lachlan?" I ask.

"He can go home with Vikk or get a ride. This is serious. I don't want him to get hurt! If he died I swear to God-"

"Let's not think about that. Come on!"

We run outside and realize the car is gone. Mitch got the keys from Jerome.

I take out my phone and phoned an Uber. They came within seconds and we got in. I told him where the condo was and we drove there.

When we arrived, I see an ambulance outside. "Jerome... This isn't good." I told him and motioned toward the ambulance.

"Can you get us to the hospital?" I ask the driver.

"Pay up." He gives me the price and my eyes widen. I pull out a twenty.

"How about this?" I tried but he kicked Jerome and I out.

I see the ambulance rush by. "GREAT!" Jerome throws his hands in the air.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to run. Come on!" I grab Jerome's arm and ran.

It took us a long time to get there. We took breaks in between to catch our breaths. We dashed into the hospital and looked at the time. 4:23 a.m.

"I'm here to see Mitch Hughes." Jerome says.

"Okay. Follow me." She leads us to the room and I am so heartbroken. I see Mitch hooked up with needles and bandages and I see Preston sleeping on the chair near him.

Jerome rushes to Mitch's side. "I-I'm so sorry Mitch! Please live. Please don't go!" He pleads as tears rolled down his face.

Preston's eyes flutter open. I brace myself for the harsh words. Instead, he gives me a hug.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"W-What? I thought you were mad at me!"

"Kenny sent me a video of you screaming at Jerome in the bathroom. He knew something was up so he dug around and found that. I should've let you explain. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too. Are we good again?" I ask.

"Sure." He says and I peck his cheek.

"Preston. What's happened to Mitch?" Jerome faced him. Preston motioned for him to sit down.

"Mitch self-harms. Did you know that?" He asks Jerome.

"Yes, he had been clean for a year now!" He sounded so sure.

"About that... The doctor and I noticed some recent scars. He cut deep and passed out from blood loss, it also turns out that he lacked oxygen to his brain. He's now in a coma. We are uncertain if he when or will wake up." Preston said solemnly.

Jerome started to sob. "No! Damn it!" He cried. I got up and went to Mitch's side and held his hand. "I'm so sorry. I messed up. I shouldn't have gotten drunk. Please live. I haven't even gotten to say this, but if you can hear, I want you to know I love you." He sobbed and kissed his hand.

I pulled Preston close on the seat and he put his head on my shoulder. "I feel bad for Jerome." He says.

"I do too." I say as I look at Jerome. I felt a rush of guilt run through me. Then I felt nervous and wondered about Preston. "Let me see your wrists."

"But I'm cold!"

No. Please, no!

"Preston, you did it, didn't you?" I look at him and his eyes start to get watery. I pull up his sleeves and I see 3 deep marks on his arm. "Preston-"

"I'm so sorry. I was just not thinking straight and felt like I couldn't control myself-" He stutters.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. You did nothing wrong. Please, please promise me not to do it again." I say softly.

"I promise." I give him a peck on the lips and hugged him.

"We should go get some rest." I say. "Jerome-"

"I'm not leaving his side." He states.

"Want to go?" I ask Preston.

"Okay." He takes my hand and we walk out of the hospital and drove home. We walk in, head straight to our bedroom, and laid down and cuddled. I closed my eyes with my arms wrapped around him and fell asleep.

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