~Chapter 11~

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Rob's POV
I walk into the shower right after Preston started the call with the pizza delivery place. I washed my body but linger in the shower with my thoughts.

How much time here do I have left? I don't want to leave... Leave Preston...

I know he's my best friend, but I want to stay with him.

Can I stay longer? Should I stay longer?

I might bring the thought up later, but not now.

I get out of the shower, dry off, and got dressed in white tank top and grey sweatpants. I grab my phone and walk out to find Preston. I smell the pizza from the kitchen and automatically walk towards the smell.

"Hey Preston! Pizza smells good."

"It does! I'm starving. Want to eat?"

"Yes!" I grab a paper plate and a Coke that was next to the pizza box and got 2 slices of pizza and sat down at a nearby table. Preston grabs 2 as well and sits down across from me.

"Ready to record after dinner?"

"Yup!" I start eating.

Both of us were silent as we ate our food. "Hey, I'm going to go check something quickly. I'll be right back!"

"Okay." Preston says and starts eating again.

I walk to my room and log into my laptop and check when my flight leaves. December 31.


I mentally give myself a pat on the back for choosing to stay for over a month.

I walk back to the kitchen where Preston was. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Ready to record now?"


Preston and I walk to the recording room. He lets me use one of his computers. "3... 2... 1..."

The video starts.

~After the Video~

We log off our computers, go into the common room and sit on the couch together to continue our vlog from day one.

"Hey guys, I didn't record yesterday, but it's day three having Rob with me. How do you feel Rob?"

"I feel pretty amazing."

"Fabulous, well anyway, I got a little surprise for Rob here..." Preston walks into the other room and returns shortly with a box. "Open."

"What is this?" I shake the box.

"A gift."

I can feel the warmth flood through my checks.

"You shouldn't have! I'm the guest I should be giving you a gift!" I feel so bad I didn't get him anything.

"It's okay! Just open it!"

"Okay." I open it to find an $25 iTunes gift card and $50 Steam card. "Oh my gosh... Thank you so much!" I give Preston a hug.

"It's my pleasure." We face the camera again. "That's all for this video, I'm sorry it's a bit short but life happens and yup. So goodbye everyone!"

"Goodbye!" I say and Preston stops recording. "You shouldn't have, really. I can't believe you got me these. Thank you."

"Seriously, it's my pleasure. Oh and I also have something to tell you." His happy facial expression changed and he looks a little... Afraid.

"What's up?"

"I'm sorry this is such late notice, but I have some people who are going to be visiting."

"Why are you so nervous to tell me that?" I'm going to take a guess that he might have thought we would have a fight.

I would never try to hurt him... If only he knew...

"I thought you would get mad."

"No! Of course not. I'm more than happy to meet your friends." His face lightens and smiles.

"Okay! That's a relief though." He looks at me. "You know, I'm really glad you're here."

"Same here."

"Anyways, we should go get some sleep. Lachlan should be here tomorrow. The poor guy has over 24 hour flight."

"Okay. Goodnight, Preston!"

"Goodnight, Rob!"

We walk into our separate bedrooms. I change into some basketball shorts and laid in bed, and drifted off to sleep.

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