Chapter 8: Gus-Gus

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Luke grabbed the dog from my hands "okay, now lets go back to that store and steal swimwear." I whisper "Oh no, I can't wear a bathing suit!" Zayn asked "Why not?" obviously I was insecure about my body but even the high me didn't tell them that, I just stood quite. We quickly walk back to the underground tunnel and waited for a train. I sat on the floor and grabbed my hair up in a pony tail. Then I notice a sharp pain coming from my hand. I look at it and see it's not stitched up. I lift my hand towards the sky "Can we buy a band aid?" Zayn looked down and saw me pointing at my hand. He bent down and took my hand. He gently touched it "That dumb ass was probably in the games." He kissed the wound and my stomach flutter with butterflies. He smiled "yeah well get you a band aid." I wondered "The ones with cartoons on them?" he smiled and whispered "You're cute when you're high." I shyly turn my face away and saw a spider crawling on the floor. I scream and try to jump up but my forehead clashed with Zayn's. I quickly push Zayn aside, lifting myself up and moving next to Luke. Zayn yelled "OW!"

I shyly move closer to Luke "There's a spider." Luke chuckles and grabs my hand, and the other wraps the small dog in its arm. Zayn moved next to me and gently pushed me aside. I whispered "Can we eat now?" Zayn laughed "No, were going to try on swim wear remember." Oh yeah I remembered. Then I hear the train's loud engine and I yell "its coming." Zayn quickly covered my mouth saying "Sh!" I just stare at his eyes and he quickly moves away. Wow his eyes are so beautiful, creamy brown, just like my sister. We entered the moving vehicle and I stayed standing, thinking "Aren't we suppose to be walking?" Zayn chuckled "No, the train is moving us Emma." I walk opposite from them and throw my hands in the air saying "The games stated..." I was cut off by a man strumming his guitar. He looks over at me and smiles. I sway my hair out to the side and smile back. He starts to sing and I was in awe. I shakily move toward the guy and every step closer I am to him, he becomes more handsome. His dark brown hair glimmers in the lighting, his warm eyes melts your heart and his angelic voice swoons me.

I sit in front of him, saying "Hey." I goofily laugh and he smiles big, hitting a high note. I smile and start blushing. Then Zayn ruined the moment "She's high." I scoff "Asshole!" both Luke and Zayn say "Wow!" the guy smiled still strumming and singing. Then our train stopped, and Zayn pulled me away "This is our stop." I moaned and looked back at the guy "You're beautiful. Bye love." He stops "Bye love." I felt a nice warm feeling in my heart then I was pulled away by Zayn. We maintain eye contact even when I left the train but the train rolled along and that was the last time I saw him. Once we reached the top surface of the earth, Luke looked down at his phone "Its 10:34, we still have time." Zayn grabbed my hand and dragged me along to run into the store. Once more, I looked at the door to our reflection and I looked worse than when we first got here.

Zayn sighed "Since we are basically cops will be on our asses, let's just make the best of it." I moan "I want food and a band aid." Zayn grabbed a cart and walked away. Luke and I followed, Zayn turned into an aisle and we found heaven on earth. Chips as far as the eye can see, to the end of the aisle of course. I yelped and waltz over to a bag of Doritos. I dropped them on a cart "God I love America." Luke chuckled "This is Johns department store." I scoffed "way to ruin the moment." And walked away. Zayn took lead after my departure and went into an aisle where he grabbed a box of Spiderman band aids. He shook the box "for our memorable crash at the train." I laughed "Jerk." Luke said "Hey guys look the dog fell asleep." I turned to Luke, looking down at the dog, he looked so cute. If I ever have kids, I want the father to be like Luke.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now