Chapter 42: I Get It Sharron

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I look at the time on my phone, I'm late. Five minutes late to school and I'm arriving with my hair frizzy as ever and a spell for bad breath. My mom or I didn't set any alarms for today; thankfully Vicky has her schedule on check, waking us up. I run through the quiet halls, turning in different directions, climbing stair cases until I reach Mrs. Pioneer's class. I slowly turn the knob around and quietly open the door. All eyes avert to me "Good for you to join us Miss Johnson." I chuckle, smiling at her, making my tone a bit sarcastic "Better late than never." She rolls her eyes and looks back at the book "Turn to page 47." I quickly walk over to my desk, smile at the guys and slip into my chair, covering my face from everyone. Then Harry and his annoying remarks echo the room "Mrs. Pioneer. I have a question." She sighs; picking her gaze towards Harry "Yes." he coughs, leaning further into his desk "you know how Hamlet see's his father's ghost." She nods her head and he continues "and you know how his father wants to see Claudius dead." She sighs, rolling her eyes "Harry are you questioning my intellectual ability to read and process things?" he chuckles "No, I'm questioning you to see if Hamlet's vision of his father was an excuse to kill King Claudius. I mean what if Hamlet was indeed insane and thought he saw the King Hamlet's ghost, what if he had a reason to kill his uncle. After all, after a person dies, our bodies reminisce into a melancholy state. I mean Ophelia did kill herself. And the queen did marry Claudius. What if Hamlet justified his actions in the name of revenge to avenge his father's death?" she smiles, putting down her book "It's good Harry that you ponder upon such hypothetical's but explain to me this, let's say it were true, that hamlet was insane and he did not actually see his father's ghost. Explain the other men when they witness his father's ghost." Harry sighs, making his thinking face. Then I interject into the conversation "okay, maybe they did see his ghost. But what if it was just a pigment of their imagination. For example, in hamlets case, he was depressed. his beloved father had passed and in such depressive moments, we starve ourselves, shut down our emotions and mediate on decease. Sometimes we even imagine they were standing right in front of us, talking to us. That's why so many depressed people claim they saw the deceased; our brain makes us believe in something, even if false. What if they all saw him, they way they wanted to see him? What if those men were scared that the King Hamlet would scorn them for not doing their job correctly? What if hamlet knew about the murder and acted on those reason and proclaim his father's ghost had justified everything." Mrs. Pioneer's face was pale, her eyes so dull. She slowly lets the words escape her mouth "A pigment of their imagination?"

After that, Mrs. Pioneer turned our lecture time into a Socratic seminar. Usually I would talk more often but I let other perspective's surface my mind.

During break, Sharron kept complaining about her blisters she got yesterday. I roll my eyes "We get it Share, your life is over. Can we move on now?" she scoffs, rolling her eyes "You guys don't get it! I'm performing today! If I don't do outstanding, I'll never be able to make anywhere!" I sigh, dropping my head down "Listen, did you ever hear outstanding dancers, ballerinas, whatever's that life is hard? No! They suck it up and push forward because they didn't take the easy way down! They worked hard and they let their friends eat!" she laughs "Well, that took an unexpected turn but thanks Em's. I really needed to hear that." I smile and look at Harry. He has that face of I should tell you something but it's complicated. I avoid his gaze immediately but he asked anyway "is it me or Emma turned into a genius in the past six months?" I scoff, putting my cup down "jeeze Harry, I'm glad you thought I was stupid before." He chuckles "Well you did miss a lot of fraction problems as a kid." I laugh "Yeah, but at least I wasn't the one copying off my paper." He smirks, rolling his eyes.

In chemistry class, Niall and I were doing our presentation on how to solve a murder crime with chemistry supplies. We start off by introducing ourselves to the class. Suddenly Niall bust his ridiculous line that I told him specifically not to use "I have so many chemistry jokes regarding this matter but I'm afraid I won't get a reaction." The class nods their head no, but the teacher is full on laughing. I close my eyes and begin the presentation. Then again when we were about to finish, Niall threw another joke "But what do we know. We shouldn't trust atoms, they make up everything." I slap my forehead and walk away from him. Niall runs to me, laughing "they make up everything!" I fake a smile, scoffing "Well Niall is made up of IDIOT!!! You couldn't just stick to the cards!" he laughs, gripping my shoulder "Emma, lighten up! Besides a little humor wins the professor over there." I throw my head back, sliding my hands over my face. He just chuckles and sits next to me.

After school, I was walking to the parking lot with Niall and Celine. Celine smiles "So, maybe we should all hang out." I smile "yeah we should." Niall chuckles "Just promise me there will be no fighting." She laughs, turning to me "I'm sorry about the other time. I was just jealous. I hope you could forgive me?" I smile. Suddenly Harry and Sharron storm through the parking lot, looking pissed as hell. Sharron screams over to me "Are you coming!?" I turn to them, waving bye and run to Harry's car. I slam the door shut and look at them. Both of them couldn't face each other. I sigh, leaning closer to the front "Okay, can someone care to explain what happened?" both of them start talking rapidly, then turning to each other and screaming. I sit back down on my chair and ignore them.

When I got home, either of them said bye to me. They were acting so immature. Once it got night, my mother came with Wilbert and Chinese food. It was a nice night with him. Usually it would be calm and girly chat but Wilbert brings life to the table. He turns to me "you know in the last year, I've managed to only kill five people. I mean that's a record!" my face turns pale, my blood pressure plummets and I can literally feel my heart beat. My mom is dating a murderer and a psychopath. But then I remember that he's a surgeon, working with my mom in the hospital, as a doctor. I sigh "Oh please, don't add more enthusiasm." He chuckles "I mean It happens." I frown a bit, looking up at them "Now I know where the 'stuff happens' phrase came from. Cold hearted doctors." They laugh. Then my mom brings up her new trick her co worker told her "Grace said if you chop onion correctly, you don't cry. You guys want to know how?" I chuckle "By being cold hearted and dead inside?" she scoffs, throwing her napkin at me.

When I got back to my room, I sent Zayn a textmessage, saying I miss him a lot. I know he won't reply back ASAP because he'sin school but I just needed him to know that I love him and miss him very much.   


Sorry I Haven't Been Updating! Been Busy But Ill Try My Best to Update Everyday! I LOVE YOU GUYS ALL!!!

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now