Chapter 25: Whiskey

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We were walking around the block, laughing at our little performance. After Zayn and I left running, Liam came through the crowd; he stood quite for a minute, they all did. In Luke's eyes, you could see his worried expression. Suddenly Liam yelled, perfectly, "We're MARRIED!" Michael turned to Luke, gripping his arms "Don't! No!" Liam ran to Michael and kneeled before him "I'm sorry I cheated one time, but I love you!" Luke pushes Michael away and run. Michael calls out for him "Robert!" when Luke didn't turn back, Michael ran after him and Liam ran after Michael.

I never had much fun in my life! Taken for granted that it was embarrassing but it was worth it. The guys are such dorks, but I'm glad I didn't ignore Louis on that day or else I would have been miserable alone at the house. After walking around for a bit, Ashton wanted us to do another challenge but since it was 7:15, Zayn told him it was no longer day so the deal was off. We got in a silly argument but we ended up not doing it.

We all hovered around Louis car and talk about making some plans for tomorrow. Ashton slaps my back pretty harsh "I think Emma should invite us over to her house." I blush and cough "Yeah no!" Michael grins "Why not?" I didn't want to tell them that I had to ask my dad for permission and although I know he'll say yes, having them over, I can never predict their craziness. I sigh "Because Michael, I don't want my bedroom floating with evil spirits." He shrugs. I roll my eyes and Luke yawns "Well let's go to Zayn's house." Zayn wipes his chin slowly "okay, sure. But show up after church." Ashton grabs Zayn's shoulder, moving him back and forth "As much as we like to skip church buddy, we couldn't. No one can!" we chuckle and leave.

On the ride back, Arlene kept rambling about church and how her mother signed her up to volunteer to take care of the kids with Louis. She would rather clean the "holy toilets filled with holy waste" than taking care of the "Little Devils" I chuckle "kids aren't that bad, besides at least they didn't sign you up in the choir. My parents made me. It was terrifying and horrifying." Suddenly Luke startled me, turning to face me "My mom signed me up!" Zayn turns to him, laughing "have fun!" Luke smirks "My mom signed you up too, and Ashton." Both Arlene and Zayn said untied "what!?" Luke and I laugh. He turns to Zayn "yeah, she did. She thought since Louis and Arlene are helping now, we should help too." Zayn groans "wait, can she do that?" Luke shrugs his shoulders "I guess, I mean your mom does trust Liz, and my mom did confirm after." Zayn rolls his eyes "why didn't she sign up my sister too?" He has sisters? I really don't know Zayn. Luke and Arlene laugh. She shifts in her seat "Zayn, their like 11. Stop being dramatic."

I laugh "Look at you guys, doing the Lord's work." Arlene sneers "Oh don't worry Emma, Liz will find a job for you, or better yet relieve me of mine." I roll my eyes and look at my phone. A text from Ashton asking me

'Hey, can you tell Luke that Liz wants him to come today.'

'Ashton, why can't you tell him?'

'Emma I would but he doesn't respond.'


'What about her? Did she ask for me?'

'She told me Ashton.' What the hell did I just do? I feel so bad.

'She did! What the hell, we were suppose to keep us a secret.' it's true then, crap!

'What? She asked me why didn't you text her instead.'

'Oh lol, I wanted to text you first.'

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now