Chapter 40: Karma

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"Emma! I was afraid you wouldn't answer." I smile, looking at the screen "I was afraid I wouldn't pick up. Sorry I was sleeping." He makes a worried face "wait! Did I call you late?" I laugh, biting down on my sleeve "No, I just took a nap. Anyways how have you been?" he sighs, lifting the screen higher "I've been stuck in class and soccer practice. Oh, I forgot, Arlene wanted to Skype you too." I smile "Tell her okay after were done."

He places the phone on his counter, sitting on his chair "so is your bladder good?" I smirk, throwing my head back a bit "Yeah, it recovered." He chuckles "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." I joke around "just don't let it happen next time, it really hurts." He gives me a flirty smirk "so there's going to be a next time?" I laugh, not answering even though the answer was obvious.

We talked for almost two hours until his battery was in 10%. He hanged up and I waited for Arlene to call me. While I waited, my mom called for me "Emma! Dinners ready!" I slip on my sandals, grab my hair in a bun and walk out to the kitchen. She was serving her chicken and pasta on the plate "Harry just called the house." I close my eyes, slamming the counter top "shoot I forgot, I just got off the phone with Zayn." She grins, placing the plates on the table "did Zayn tell you how Natalie and Dad are doing?" I sigh "They're doing good but Zayn feels that Natalie isn't coping right." She frowns, sitting down "Coping? She coped really well while we were there, I mean she did say she liked your new friends." I sit down, moving my hair behind my ear and sigh "Yeah, because we were there. Listen, it gets really lonely with dad working all the time." She chuckles "maybe now I can get full custody of you guys." Shocked, but mostly angered "What?! No! Listen mom, you will not do anything this time. You cannot destroy this family, I won't let you!" she sighs, picking up her fork "Emma, I was just kidding. Listen, no matter what you think, I will always love your father." I roll my eyes, sneering "yeah, then why does Natalie say you have a boyfriend." She sighs, giving me the look that I got her pissed "Just because I started dating again doesn't mean I love your father. I just don't love him romantically anymore." I roll my eyes and pray fast.

During dinner she stood quiet, she just kept looking at me like if I were a fragile flower. We clean up the kitchen and she sighs "Do you want to meet him? He's coming over on Sunday." I frown a bit, nodding no "Sorry, I have plans. Harry is taking me to church and then were going for a hike." She smiles "Oh great. Wilbert is taking me to church too." I groan "Wilbert? What kind of name is that." She burst laughing "I know! But he makes up for that. I mean just looking at him makes me..." I groan "Mother, keep your love affairs out of my matter." She laughs "Oh Emma, fine." suddenly my lap top starts buzzing from my room. I drop the dishes on the sink and run.

I close the door and hit the answer button. Arlene and Ashton pop on the screen "Emma!" they say at once. I laugh "hey guys! I've missed you!" Ashton's tone turns serious "Wish I could say the same." I roll my eyes, asking "so how's the happy couple?" they look at each other, smiling "We're good." Then Ashton grins "You know; I just started my new Job on Wednesday." I laugh "Hope you still have a job for the week to come." Arlene sneers "He better, I mean he's the cashier at the music store." I laugh. Suddenly Louis barges in, stuffing his face on the screen "Emma is that you?" Ashton scoffs "No, it's an Ad"

I laugh "Hey Louis!" he sits in between them, smiling "So why didn't you assholes tell me or anyone else that you were skyping Emma, I mean I was the one who found her in the first place." I sneer "thanks for thinking of me as property, every girls dream." He looks at me, smiling big "You are welcomed." I roll my eyes, biting on my sleeve "So, uh how's Liam and Michael?" Ashton was about to respond but Louis shuts him up "They're good, they miss you a lot. Oh and by the way... We're good! Thanks for asking." I laugh "oh you are welcomed." He rolls his eyes while they laugh at him.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now