Chapter 21: Gotta Booger

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Luke chose "Die Young by Ke$ha". Ashton and Arlene Hollered while I clapped. Arlene turned to me, moving her hair from her face "This is going to be funny." I giggle and move next to Arlene, where Zayn was sitting. As soon as the dance started, we were all startled, even Luke "What the Fuck?! Zayn!" Zayn just smiled and kept moving. Arlene and I were cheering and laughing. Across from us, Ashton was completely astonished. He was motionless, his two hands glued together, stuck to his lips. Zayn yelled "I hate you all." We all laugh and we watch the dance progress.

I couldn't help but feel a cage of eager butterflies waiting to be released from my stomach. Once the games ended, we anticipated the results. When the data was so close off, Zayn winning by 20 points, Luke cursed. Arlene did her girly air kick and laughed "take that you little fucker, ain't number one now." Luke catches his breath and flips her off. Zayn turns to us and points at me "You! Me! Now!" I blush and push myself further back into the seat. Arlene booed me and Ashton yelled "Emma stop being a little bitch and play, were all playing, actually for fuck sakes you made Zayn play." I raised my finger to him and sat straight "no I never made anyone do anything." They all scoff and Zayn pleads me to go.

I close my eyes and slap the sofas arm "Fine!" I push myself up and take the control from Luke. He smiles down at me "Beat his ass Emma, and then put me back in the game." I laughed and stood next to Zayn. He went through a series of music but nothing caught my eye until I saw "Timber by Pit-bull" He really didn't want to play it but since I had the main controller he didn't have a choice. As soon as the first move hit, I focused all my attention to the screen and blocked out all the noises. The only thing I sensed was the figure moving, the beat and the faint sound of my breath. When I had to get close to Zayn, I could literally feel my knees turn to water.

Something about him made me experience something weird. When I noticed we were no longer dancing and anticipating the results, Ashton yelled "Emma, you're like Fucken talented at dancing." I fan myself a bit and catch my breath "no, I had practice is all." Arlene scoffed "yeah but still, that was like professional stuff....OMG!! You won!" they all laugh and Zayn came close and hugs me. I smile and watch Luke come and snatch the control from Zayn.

Arlene yelled "Luke just letting you know, you suck. Lots of love." We all laugh and he rolls his eyes. I flip through the categories. Suddenly Luke points to the screen "THAT one!" I turn my body turns to me and sigh "I haven't played that one though." He smirks and leans closer to me "I haven't either." He looks back at the screen. I tilt my head back and chose it. Everyone laughs. The screen goes colorful and announces "Never going to give up." It's such a tacky song but hopefully I can master it now. It's counting down and I look at Luke. He smiles and I get a nice warm feeling about it. As soon as the marks hit we move. It was difficult predicting the moves but I managed. I hit several key points on time. I could hear everyone laugh at our ridiculous dance. Suddenly Liz comes stubbling into the living room yelling "That's my favorite song!" I couldn't help but laugh. Ashton gets up and hugs her. She then pushes him away and gets close to me and starts dancing. I couldn't take anything seriously anymore so I decided to hand the control to Liz.

She takes it and dances next to Luke. She yells over the music "you know this particular dance, Luke and I love it." I scoff and yell "you liar!" he chuckles and keeps moving.

Once we decide to stop playing after Liz got hurt, we went for a walk in the park. It was really dark outside. That part of the neighborhood was so gloomy. The guys walked in front, while Arlene and I stayed in the back; talking. She whispered "I couldn't help but notice that Zayn... he did something you asked. I mean we have begged him to play that stupid game and we have failed. But you, he did it." I blush and look down at my vans. She continued "and yesterday Luke called me; to talk about you." I stop and looked at her. She smirked "yeah." I put my hair in a pony tail and ask "I don't know Arlene." I start walking and she leans closer to me "what do you mean?" I sigh and look at the boys ahead, goofing off. I tug down on my pockets "you can't tell either of them okay." I look at her in a serious face and she nods in agreement "okay so you see that both guys are starting to like Me." she nods and I sigh "well, you see I get these angry butterflies when I see Zayn. It's like crazy because it's like I never had those, not even with my ex. And then with Luke, I feel warm. It's like when I hang out with you or Ashton. I only feel friendship vibes between us. He is so sweet and funny but I'm attracted to Zayn you know." I sigh real loud and roll my eyes.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn Malikحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن