Chapter 53: Emma?!

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Zayn called the gang to meet us at his parent's house. We both agreed we should tell them all. Have them support us too in this crucial time of our lives.

Zayn told me I should hide from them, peek out and surprise them once they're all here.

As they were waiting for Michael and Arlene to arrive, Liam rushed in, out of breath "I ditched them." Louis rolls his eyes "Why?" Liam smirks "I pants them both during gym class."

The picture popped in my mind. I really wanted to burst out in laughter but I bit down on my tongue. A few minutes later, Michael and Arlene coming rushing in as well, dead throbbing eyes for Liam. Michael runs after Liam but then Ashton trips Michael and lands on top of the sofa. Then Arlene pinches Ashton "Ashton! You piece of shit! He pants us today!" Ashton smirks "I know."

They scoff and sit down. Zayn coughs "So uh, I have a something to tell you all." Here it comes, mixed emotions bubble up my throat.

Suddenly Louis changes the subject "Before you tell us, you need to tell me if you called Luke?" I feel my air ways tighten.

Zayn groans "Louis please we already..." Louis stands up, placing his hands on Zayn's chest "No Zayn! You and Luke were best of friends! You guys were brothers. Everyone here, were family Zayn! You need to let the fact that Luke acted like a complete selfish and idiot player and you also need to forget the fact that he and Eh..."

By then I had heard enough of Luke, it was making me twitch but as I popped out of the closet, I knew Louis was about to say my name! Does Zayn Know about Luke? I need to find out but it was too late, everyone jumped at the sight of me.

Arlene squeals "Emmmmmmaaaaa!" she leaps to me, hugging me. I hold her tight and I could feel all the emotions mixed. I started laughing and crying.

Everyone stared at me in confusion. Zayn sighs, hugging me and sitting me down on a chair next to him, facing everyone. He stands, rubbing his hands against his jeans and sighing "We need to share something with you guys." Arlene and Ashton sit up. Louis clears his throat "You guys are scaring me? What's going on?"

I let the tears roll down my face and I can feel the shame. Shame! The Shame haunts me. I'm that pregnant stupid girl. I'm her.

Zayn exhales sharply "Emma's pregnant guys." Their faces drained color. Blood shot eyes and blank faces. Shame crawled all over me.

Michael stands up and hugs Zayn "I'm here for you man. For the both of you." Louis runs up to me, hugging me tight. He doesn't say a word, he just holds me perfectly.

By the end of the day, tears were drained and plans were made.

It was settled. Michael was the punk hipster uncle. He would either, take care of the kid on weekends and get the child hyped up on sugar or he would hold our hands when we sign the adoption papers. Liam was the uncle who would teach our kid and give the child 100 dollars if it knew the multiplication at five years old or he would comfort us on doctor's visit and lawyer visits. Arlene would be the God Mother, she would look after our child when we couldn't and help us raise our child or she would help us hunt for the perfect family for our child. It was hard choosing the God Father for our child, since Ashton and Louis were fighting over. But it was settled fairly. Since Ashton was married to Arlene, which is the God Mother, Ashton was already a God Father. So Ashton was the Step God Father, the awesome uncle as well. We would take my child on adventures and act goofy with the child. Or he would hug us through all the court dates and lawyer meetings. Then Louis. My Louis.

He's the reason why I have such family. He is why I wasn't alone here in London. He's the reason I met the love of my life. Louis would be the God Father. He would look after my child like if it were his own; he would love the child with everything. Or he would make sure he knew all the details of the child, know what family and even then, know what the child is doing in life.

Our family supported us and not once judged us or influenced our behavior. They were just amazing.

Arlene made sure I would call her everyday and she would tell me what to eat and not to eat.

Ashton, Michael and Louis made sure they would help us out financially for the payments were going to make.

And Liam would make sure to help us find two great doctors and lawyers here and in the states. Since in three months, I would be moving back to London. By then I would be five months.

Zayn dropped me off my house and left to his drop off Michael and Liam.

My mom had my stuff packed and my dad wouldn't stop telling me how much he loves me, how he is proud of me, how he will always be behind me, no matter the distance.

I had to knock three times for Natalie to open her door. She slammed her body against the chair and stared at me with anger. I sigh "I know you're mad at me for being stupid. I know you think I'm dumb for letting this child grow but please, I need my sister back." She scoffs "What a great role model you are." That remark burned through my soul. How could she say that? I raise my voice "I'm human Natalie! I'm prone to make mistakes! You can't hold that against me! But you need to understand that I am your sister and I need my sister." She rolls her eyes. I swallow and sigh "At the end of the day, were family Nat. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I will give you some time. But I don't expect your forgiveness. I just need to know you have my back."

I turn around and leave.

In the morning, my dad dropped us off at the air port. Leaving me dad in this state hurt me.

When we arrived, Wilbert and Harry were in our kitchen cooking dinner. To my surprise, Niall and Sharron were also there.

Knowing I have support eases me a little.

But then I remembered, Niall, Sharron and Harry! Harry, Sharron, and Niall! Niall wants to be the goofy uncle! Well he can be. But Harry and Sharron want to be God parents as well. I mean, I shouldn't get too worried, I mean, I might not even keep the child.

As Niall and Sharron leave, my mom sat us down "We need to talk about school Emma." Wilbert sighs "I know this great pregnant minors program and..." I scoff "What!? No! You're not enrolling me in that! I'm going to high school." Wilbert sighs "Emma just thi..." my mom interjects "Emma, I think you should listen to Wilbert." Harry chimes in too "Em's they're right, I mean you're going to be bullied and stuff." I nod no "No, I'm going back to school." Wilbert sighs "Emma, it's not about the bullying. It's about when you get too big for those desks. When you get urges to pee every five minutes. When you get milk discharge during a lesson. When..." my mom sighs "Were not trying to scare you Em's but its reality."

I stand my ground. At least, I would have Gemma and Harry to help me the most.


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