Chapter 10: Are you Crazy?

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How stupid could I be, I didn't know him, I couldn't possibly be jealous and mad. But the thing was, I was jealous and mad he had a girlfriend. I wasn't mad at the part where he kissed me, knowing he had a girlfriend but I would never be able to touch his lips. Bursting my thoughts, Ashton mocked "Yeah, she's worried." Zayn, avoiding my gaze, sneered "So, I don't care." Arlene scoffed "She obviously thinks nothing will happen, in her mind you guys are still on." Zayn raised his voice a little louder "I said I don't give a crap." Louis rolled his eyes "You guys always do this. Watch by the end of this week, your little greasy hands will be all over her." Zayn slammed his hand down on the counter "This time is not like the others." Arlene scoffed "God that's what you always say, what sis she do this time Zayn?" Zayn scoffed "Clearly I can't find any personal space here. I'm out." He headed towards the door, pushing it open with a hard force then slamming it shut.

We all stood in silence, hearing Zayn pull out of the lot. Ashton then went through the bags "Who wants his food?" Louis yelled "I call half dibs." I scoff "Dork." He rolls his eyes and walks over to the counter where Ashton was taking the food out of the brown bags. Luke headed out a door, and then came back with four stools. Ashton mocked "Idiot, make the math, there's five of us." Luke rolled his eyes "I'm sitting on the counter dumbass." Ashton blushes in embarrassment. Luke stations the stool near the round table. Arlene sat next to Ashton, opposite from me and Louis sat next to me. Luke sat between Ashton and me, sitting on the counter alone. They grabbed their burger, unwrapped it and started to eat. I yell "Grace!" they look at one another and smile. Arlene sneered "Oh, you're not kidding." She grins and places her food on the table. Ashton quickly made his point "I don't hold hands, especially not Arlene's." She flips him off "Yeah, I don't hold hands with animals that carry diseases."

I laugh "I say grace, just bow your head." I was raised to always give thanks for having what's before me, some people find it weird but I never cared. I said "lord, thank you for the food you have provided." I then lift my head and everyone slowly raised their heads, making sure grace was over. Ashton asked "That's all?" I responded "You can add more, but that's all I was thankful for the moment." Ashton nodded and bit into his burger. Louis then dumped a bunch of ketchup packets next my burger saying "I didn't know if you eat ketchup but we know that Americans are all addicts to it." I laugh saying "I don't eat ketchup like you think; I eat it in certain things." Arlene cleared her throat "You know its weird having an American friend." Ashton looked at her "She isn't your friend." Arlene sneered.

As the minutes passed, we talked about the scavenger hunt. Luke explained to them all the wild things that happened, including how I got drugged. Ashton couldn't shut up, he kept laughing. Then Arlene told us about the lame night they spent at McDonalds trying to fake a crisis but they had to retake because Ashton kept laughing, but once they nailed it, no one bothered to pay attention to them so they gave up and moved onto the next item. They couldn't get a homeless to take off their clothes so Arlene made Ashton take off his saying he dressed like a 'hoe-bow'. By the time they reached the hospital, they got kick out because of Ashton's behavior. They did manage to get a dog off the streets and managed to steal the swim wear but somehow the dog ran away, they chased after him but gave up and walked back to the lake house, knowing they lost but they actually didn't. She finished storytelling, then we were about to have a mini food fight but Luke stopped us saying we couldn't trash his mums place. Once I had food in my system, I didn't feel 'high' anymore.

Louis sighed "we should get going, I'm pretty tired myself." I sighed and added "I feel dead. Feel like a zombie." Louis grinned "Both you and Luke look and smell like one." I insultingly scoff "Where's the restroom?" Luke jumped off the counter "Come I'll show you." I follow Luke through a door and enter the restaurant out front. A classy formal restaurant. I'm amazed at the place "Wow, nice." Luke smiled "Yeah, my mum puts a lot of hours into this." I twirl a little, noticing a chandelier hanging on the ceiling. Then Luke pointing at the sign "There's the girls' restroom." I smile "Thanks." I enter and immediately I noticed how horrible I looked. I couldn't believe Zayn kissed me, looking like this. God Zayn, I couldn't manage not to think about him but it was inevitable. I quickly rinse my face and tie my hair into a pony tail. I looked at by body, the swim suit exposing my figure. I moved the cardigan and wrapped it around my body.

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