Chapter 47: Just Hug Me

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My mom was rushing us through the airport; we were literally running through, hitting people with our bags. We were late. But we did make the flight; we actually made it on time. The irony. There was a bit of a delay so we were fine. On the flight, we were all separate since they booked the flights late. I sat next to this old lady with hearing problems. It was annoying screaming into her ear. But before we knew it, we landed at night. We got lost inside the airport. We went around in circles twice after Wilbert let his pride aside and we asked for directions. It was tiring but fun.

As we got to the hotel, Wilbert kept rambling about how great his big brother was. How nice and big his family was. Everything was about his family.

The butlers were grabbing our luggage while we went inside and asked for our hotel key. On the way up the elevator, Wilbert was super anxious to show us around but my mom had to literally calm him down and remind him it was 1 in the morning.

My mom and I slept in the same bed while Wilbert slept on the floor and let Harry sleep in the bed. Originally the plan was for my mom and him to sleep in the same bed while I was in the other but I insisted that Harry needed to come along.

In the morning, I woke up early and crawled to the balcony. Watching the resort swarming with tourist and the beautiful clear beach right in front was amazing. I sit on the beach chair and look out to the ocean, nothing but vast of water surrounding us. Then Wilbert comes out, resting his elbows on the fence and looks out too. He sighs "you're going to love my family! I'm really happy you came along." I smiled "I'm glad too. Just if you keep acting all jittery then you're going to become annoying and I would have hated agreeing." He laughs "I'm just happy for my brother." I smile and look back out. Then he starts laughing loudly "Your forehead is all nasty man." I roll my eyes and slightly touch it. It did hurt, freaking Harry.

Harry was the last to wake up, we all got showered and ready but he was sound asleep like a rock. I remembered one slumber party; Harry fell asleep on the couch and suddenly an earthquake shook. We all screamed in panic and Harry wouldn't even flinch. That man could sleep through anything, they could be a zombie out break and he would be sound asleep.

We all walk down to the dinning hall and wait for his family to come down and have breakfast. As normal, Harry was hogging Wilbert and my mom was acting stupid so I sat in silence, looking at the flowers sway to the breeze. I was concentrating too hard that suddenly my mom punched my arm "Emma!" I groan, holding my injured arm and looking at her "What?!" she sighs, pointing over at the crowd of people swarming towards. Wilbert exclaims "There they are!" He runs to them, hugging anyone who would cross his path. Cautiously, Harry took a seat next to me, sitting quietly, and whispering "That's a very big family!" I laugh "it looks like a herd of sheep."

During breakfast, a bunch of older people would come to our table and tell Wilbert and my mom "Oh soon this would be your wedding!" or "When's the wedding date?" or "When are you proposing Wilbert?" That would annoy my mom a lot because by the fiftieth person, she started drinking wine. Wine during the morning, she was truly desperate but good thing she kept her mouth closed. And Wilbert would get red or just laugh it off.

Spending three days here with Wilbert's family could be bearable. There was just a ton of people that I lost count or names. Harry would just laugh and enjoy seeing my mom in pain. As we finished breakfast, we escaped and left to our room and changed into our beach clothes.

I know I shouldn't have done it but I brought all my beach things that I stole with Luke and Zayn during the games, when I first met them. Putting it on made me feel weak, made me feel sick. As Harry lays eyes on me, he laughs "Since when have you become a showy girl?" I roll my eyes, threw his shirt to him "Shut up!" he smirks "You're not planning to use that to bait guys are you?" I stay quiet, grabbing my loose beach sweater. He sighs, clicking his fingers "Emma, we need to talk about it!" I groan "No! No we don't!" he angrily throws his shirt to me. I scoff "What the hell?!" he raises his voice "You can't just ignore it!" I scoff "Actually I can! Nothing happened. Nothing, nothing and nothing!" he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck "Emma..." He was cut off my Wilbert and My mom storming into the room. My mom walks slower around me "Where did you get that?" I sigh "Long story but I got it in England." She frowns "Did Zayn tell you to get it?" I yell, gripping my phone harsh "No!" I scoff, storming out, slamming the door.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora