Chapter 41: Meeting Wilbert

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On Sunday, I woke up to giggling sounds echoing from the kitchen. I stuff my pillow on my face and groan. Maybe it was Harry and my mom talking, but then again it couldn't be him because he wouldn't face my mom at all last night. I stand up and lazily drag my feet along the halls to the kitchen.

My mom was in the kitchen, wearing a really long and large white tee shirt, sipping from her coffee cup, laughing at a strange man on the stool. His shirt was off, exposing his wide and muscular chest. His dark brown hair and his perfect smirk radiated. I cough; breaking their romantic haze "hello?" my mom straightens out, standing in front of him, covering his chest "Emma! What are you doing awake?" I sigh, rolling my eyes and approaching the coffee pot "hi Gilbert. I'm Emma." I look at him and he grins. I take a cup and fill it with coffee. Then my mom laughs "since when do you drink coffee." I smirk "Since you wear other men's shirts." She rolls her eyes, gripping her waist "Emma." I curtsey "Nice meeting you, see you at church." I walk away and hear him whispering "She nice." My mom laughs.

I stayed inside my room, waiting for Harry to come and pick me up. I did not want to roam around the house, witnessing my mom make out with another man other than my dad. I stayed there, observing a picture taken three years ago. All of us, laughing and having a good time. It took two and a half years for my mother to fall out of love.

Suddenly Sharron storms into my room "Let's go!" I smile, standing up and grabbing my coat. She whispers "isn't he a hottie?" she points to the hall. I laugh "Yeah I guess." She rolls her eyes "you can't see because your too busy being mad at your mom for dating again." I didn't respond and walked away. Wilbert and my mom were in the living room, waiting for me "Ready?" I smile "yeah." They smile and as I was about to walk out the door, I point upward and turn around, looking at them "And you guys look pretty decent and innocent with clothes on." My mother bites her lip and closes her eyes. He just turns red and looks at the ground.

Entering the church with Harry and Sharron was fun. They ran to everyone they knew and told them I was back. An older 70 year old man asks "Wait? She's back from the .... Dead? My wife is back?!" we stay quiet and left quickly, not answering him. Harry chuckles "Were going to hell."

After church, Sharron and my mother agreed to eat lunch with them. Of course Harry and I stayed out of the conversation for obvious reasons, I didn't like my mother dating and Harry didn't want to look at her. On the car ride, Sharron asks "What's with you Harry? You always talk to Wilbert and especially Mrs. Johnson." He re-grips the wheel, moving his neck to the side and licks his lips "Nothing." I laugh and in the back "are you sure it's nothing?" he looks at me through the rear view mirror, his tone serious "yes! It's nothing." I smirk and look out the window.

We arrive at the golden corral and wait in line for a table. Sharron was hitting on Wilbert and complimenting my mom's dress while Harry and I stay in the back. We acted like he hated being alive. We wore that teenage face of boredom and hatred. Harry takes me under his wing, hugging my neck "We only get each other, let's be miserable together." I smile and observe Wilbert from afar. He did look okay and he was nice and treated my mom with respect. I should give him a try, Natalie did and she likes him for mom. Even though I hated the idea of it, maybe she did have a right and I had to get on board because it was her life, not mine.

As we ate, once again, Sharron, mom and Wilbert were talking. Harry and I just shoved our faces with food. Suddenly Wilbert looks at me, smiling "so are you the older sister?" I cough, sipping my drink then answering "yeah." I take another bite; my mom looks at him, smiling. He straightens his posture, looking at me again "so how does it feel to be back home?" I sigh "I don't know." My mother rolls her eyes "Emma, answer correctly." I sit up straight "Wilbert, I do not know what I feel." He smirks "I sense that you don't like me very much." I laugh "then your senses are working perfectly." He laughs "Just give me a chance, I mean Natalie did and she likes me." I smirk "don't ever compare me to my sister, or anyone for that matter. I am very capable of making choices. And just give me time to cope." He smiles "you will learn to like me, trust me." I smile and looked down at my plate.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now