Chapter 18: Super Natural Stuff?

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Once I reach my school, trying to catch my breath, it was nutrition. I walk through the crowded halls and make my way out to the lunch tables in the other side of campus looking for Louis and Ashton. As I push the door open, I spot Ashton doing jumping jacks while Louis was keeping a close eye on his watch and Arlene sat there, completely entertained with a smile in her face. I walk up to them and Arlene notices me first screaming "Emma!" I smile and slam my body on the bench, resting my bag on the table. Ashton gasps "Some one looks like shit today." I stare at him with deadly stares and cover my face after.

Louis rubs my back "Ashton you fucker leave her alone, she had a busy night yesterday, I've been told twice." I swallow my saliva, knowing what he means, both Luke and Zayn told him about yesterday but hopefully Louis didn't tell them who I went out with yesterday. Ashton giggled "So, how was spending some quality time with my Luke?" I moved my head left, right left answering "jealous much?" he laughs "Nah, I was just wondering. Did he batter his blue eyes at you? Did he win you over with his quiff?" I raise my eyebrow "Quiff? What is that?" Ashton was about to answer but Louis smashed his face with his hand "Did he swoon you or not?" I scoff "No, Luke and I are friends! We went to the beach as friends, came back as friends." Louis uncovered Ashton's mouth and rolled his eyes.

The bell rings, signaling the end of nutrition. I sigh slamming my head on my bag. Arlene asked "you that tired?" I lift my head and raise my brows. We get up and walk in separate directions. I had art next, which was in the other side of campus, splitting me up from the gang. I waved bye and headed back.

Once I was in my stool, waiting for the teacher to announce the lesson, Michael, another class clown barges in the class screaming "What up Bitches!" everyone laughs and the teacher told him to calm down. He takes the seat next to me and starts talking to the guy next to him. I uncomfortably shift in my seat and stare at the paints near me. Suddenly a hand touches my shoulder, making me jolt in surprise. I turn to see Michael asking "Hey you're that Canadian from California right?" I laughed "California is in America, not Canada." He turns red "I was just making sure you were passing geography." I smile and turn away.

Then the teacher approaches the center of the room and explains are goal for today, painting nature and a black human figure at the center of it, expressing the energy it feels from nature. He sits down in his desk, sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. Michael leans next to me "What the hell does it mean 'Expressing the energy'? Like the fuck, some supernatural shit?" I laugh, nodding my head no "No he means like... okay take the Mount Everest for example, when people reach the last summit, they scream and shout and lift their hands in victory. That's the energy the feel at that moment." He sighs and nods his head yes slowly and returns back to his space.

I wanted to paint the beach Luke took me, and have a girl sitting, holding both legs in place and looking out to the horizon. I got my brush and mixed a bunch of colors. Soon, the top of my canvas had the sun setting and the violet sky with two birds flying. I started working on my ocean, mixing paints like crazy. I got lost in my canvas, blocking out everything and focused on my wrist moving side to side, making a picture.

I was reminded by the time; I was stuck in class for two hours. I had completed one and half already. I was still getting used to this European schedule, having certain classes a day today. I was almost finishing up the water and transitioning to the sand when Michael exclaimed "Damn Leonardo Da Vinci!" I smile and continue painting.

The bell rings, dismissing us to lunch. I hang my canvas on a nail attached to the wall and walk into the halls. I hear in back of me "Emily! Wait up!" I stop and wait for Michael to catch up to me. Once he's close enough I correct him "It's Emma by the way." He sighs "Tomato potato, same shit anyways, cool artwork there." I smile "its whatever." He smirks and tells me bye before turning the opposite direction.

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