Our First mission

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This is how Lucifer looks like except the cigarette

I came running home, slammed the door went upstairs passing him and went to sleep. I was not bothered to change, I just wanted my sleep. So yeah I slept.

(Ako PoV)

Ugh. It's might be 7:00, I'll sleep more. Cause who can not have sleep and I need my beauty sleep, well I don't care about beauty or anything. Just my loved ones.(an wow that was deep)

(10 minutes later)
"Master wake up, wake up you have a mission today"Lucifer said
" ugh leave me alone can't you see I'm sleepin' "I nearly cried because of my sleep.- what............ Did he say a MISSION HELL YA MOVE BODY MOVEEEEEE-I wake up and asked what time it was and he said it was 7:30. "What anyway do you wanna come"
" of course master" he said. When we got there we saw a different team. I mean they are the same people in my team but they were angry, you could say.

(Kashi PoV)

"Everyone in position" I said

"Sasuke here point A" Sasuke said

"Sakura here point B" Sakura said

"Ako point D" Ako said


" NARUTO HERE POINT C BELIEVE IT!!?! " Naruto shout in our ear
" Naruto too slow. Where's our target?" I said panicking
" 5 meters" Sasuke said
"Same" Sakura said
"ME TOO!!" Naruto shouted
"Um about 10cm away" I sweat dropped when I heard Ako's answer.
" Ako how long did you have the cat?" I asked
" ummm before we you said 'everyone in your position' yea" she said. We all came out, to see Ako holding the cat. AND the cat snuggling closer to Ako. Just wow she had her all this time without tell us.

What caught my attention was, there was a guy next to Ako. Me thinking it was an enemy I got out my kunai.
" Kashi stop, I know why you got out your kunai and don't worry his with me. He's the one who helped me find Tora so stop" she said while handling the cat to him.
" Master, shall we go to the hokage to finish the mission" he said
" Lucifer lets go I'm tired.* look at her team* I'll meet you outside the hokages building okay?" She disappeared with the man I believed is called Lucifer.

(Ako PoV)

" I'm scared now Kashi is gonna tell the hokage then they are gonna think we are spys or somethin' and I'll be with Ibki *shutters* and what I'm I gonna say ya know" I said catching my breath wow that was long. He laughed.
" so should I tell them" I said
" if you think it would be better then you should"
" k thanks Lucifer I'll tell them after I tell them the mission. But you are gonna help me" I said. I ran to the the hokage. I kicked the door open and shouted " WHO HERE MOTHERFUCKERS IT A-K-O WHAT DOES THAT SPELL AKO GO AKO GO AKOOOO!!!!" I looked around to see people covering their ears of on the floor and Lucifer trying to hold his laughter. I went up to a person who passed out and poked then" yep he's dead" I said happily

"You need to stop that Ako" the hokage said as he sweatdropped

"Oh well you guys should check their chakra" i said "Anyway i think it's about time i, well we tell you something"

" Hmm okay" the hokage looked at me like i was a spy or something.

" This is Lucifer(points to Lucifer) and i found out that i am from." In 3

"SAY IT KID WHERE ARE YOU FROM!!" Ibiki shouted. as Ibiki said this Lucifer was ready to attack him, thinking he was going to hurt me

"Lucifer enough, I am the princess of the underworld. I feel like I am missing something. Can you tell me Lucifer?" I coldly said that maybe sent shivers down their spine.

" Master you forgot that your not human, your a vampire" Lucifer bowed his head. I could see shocking face around me. oh yeah did I tell you most jounin are here with me.

"Um, interesting, Can you control you thirst?" the hokage said looking like this :I. If you did not get the face he looked bored but you could see a little shock in him.-If I said no that would give him a heart attack right inner- - yeah he would die and we would be kicked out-

"Yes, I think if I get more angry or pissed I mean annoyed I can't." I really didn't know the answer. I my mouth was opened to say something and GUESS THE FUCKING WHAT *cough* PASSED OUT.

(An half of this chapter was written in drama it was A cover lesson so we had the ict room and watch a movie. Of course I was bored and was working. We gotta work work, work this out* coughing hard* that's from high school musical)

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