I'm a Queen!!!

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A/n: I'm sorry For not updating. I didn't have ideas

I now had white hair, no chocolate brown hair anymore. My eyes were not bright blue anymore it was greyish pink. It was hard to see the pink in my eyes, but you could see it. My hair was so much shorter. It was only touching the top of my shoulders. My lips were no longer blood coloured, it was a very and I mean very light pink. But I look more... BEAUTIFUL. I just wanna cry. It was so beautiful.


(Ako PoV)

*sigh* it's been two days since my appearance changed. To be honest I think it's not my real self. I mean I wanna ask Sebby about it, but I'm too scared. Today is the day that I and not gonna fear. Aka fuck everything and run. I'm going to ask him. Yea I know simple. I started to think that is the hokage going to retire or nah. I know that he's old and stuff, but still if he is then who is gonna be the next hokage. Maybe it might be Tsunade or that perv. No no no no no it can't be him, all I know that, if Sasuke going to leave then its most likely to Tsunade. *sigh* so bored.

"Now I need to tell someone about my transformation, like now. "Sebastian, come here for a second." I said that not realising that he's already here. "Why has my appearance changed? And whats my real age?"                                                                                           

"M'lady, this is how you really look like but this is not your real body. Your real body is somewhere lock for safety reason, but when you are ready to see your body you will be one with your body. Your age is 520, however since your in this body you seems like your 130 years old." Wow thats a mouthful. So I'm like older than the elders. They should respect you cha! Why though? why? WE ARE OLDER THAN THEM O-L-D-E-R!

Great now what to do. I could speak to the old man. Or I could to another world. Yes
I'm going to another world, but what though? Hmm let's see, we got black butler, fairy tail, Attack on titans, one piece and dragon ball. Ok let's chose ... ATTACK ON TITANS. You wanna now why because of LEVI!! Of course like his my bae other than Itachi.

I need to tell old man this then I'll go. "Sebby, pack my bags we are going another world which is very dangerous." He just simply nod. I was in 'I don't a shit' mood to see the hokage so I wrote a very simple letter.

Old man,

I'm leaving for a few weeks maybe months so yeah.

From me (duh)

I summoned Raven and he sent the letter to him. Sebby just comes with my bag. Which is one. "To the Titans we go." Sebby says some things that was too quick for my little brain.

(A/n: this will be attack on titans fanfic as well)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ouch!!!!" We were falling down the portal of light? I guess. Sebby caught me before I fell on the ground.
No. I look around and realise we were in a forest. I froze. I look behind me and saw 5 titans. Some were 4 m and the others were 15 m. They all look at me and smiled. Wait not an evil one. The all took a step back and bowed. One side of me was shouting YAS BITCHES THATS RIGHT BOW TO YOUR QUEEN! And my other side was telling me to run.

"Where were you heading?" I asked. One of them said "Humans." That's all I needed, they was going to kill humans. Sebby just stands in front of me protecting me. I shook my head.
"Don't kill anyone ok I need to see the people so can one of you show me where they are?" They nodded. The 15 m titan grabbed me and Sebby and puts us on his shoulder. The others are surrounding us as a protection. As we walk.

(10 minutes later)

I opened my eyes without realising that I slept. I look around to see where we were and in distance and could see a weird castle. Castle? Wait hold the actual fuck. Isn't that where the survey corps are. In the distance I could hear and see a red smoke and the word being shouted "TITANS"
"Stop." They all stop. I jumped off and looked at the titans and I said.
"You will not harm any one or thing, disobey me leads to great punishment." They all bow to me and say "Yes my queen" I could feel the vibration from the horses through the ground. I look behind and I see the survey corps here. Great.

"Little girl we'll save you!" Eren shouted, while my left eye was twitching.
"Stop they will not harm you!" I shouted back. They didn't do anything but continue to run towards us. The survey corps need proof that they will not harm us.
"Pick me up." I told the Titan. He picks me up and put me on his shoulder. "See they will not harm us now drop your weapons." I commanded them. Then this girl scream of excitement. Please don't tell me that's- yep it is.
"OHHH YOU JUST CONTROL THAT TITAN." That's how it sounded in my ears, but in reality it was "Ohh you just control that titan!!"
"Tch, brat why aren't you in the walls?" Guess who said that. Of course LEVI!!
Dayum I'm tired I could feel my eyes shutting. I think I forgot to have my blood. Boom I fainted. I know right it's perfectly normally.

(Sebby PoV)

I ripped Ako off from Titan. Then I took a blood tablet and placed it in my mouth and took some water. The blood tablet dissolved in my mouth. I kissed her and forced my tongue to open her mouth and push the liquid in her mouth. Once I felt her swallow. I let go of her.
"As M'lady said these titans will not harm us. We need to get M'lady to safety first, then we will tell you everything." They all look at us like we were criminals or their 'man kind' enemies. The leader nodded, but kept his guard up.

(2 hours latter)
(Ako PoV)

Ugh. Why do I feel like I just stomp on. My neck, neck, spine, brain well you understand the idea. I opened my eyes and saw everyone there, just standing there while I struggle to keep myself up. Levi saw me awake and started to ask questions about me.
"Tch, brat what age are you?"
"Older than you."
"Brat what were you doing outside the walls?"
"I don't live behind the walls."
"WHAT" this time it was Eren and Horse-face shouting that.
"It's like I said, I don't live behind the walls, since the titans don't eat me and We are a travellers." I fell back on the bed and slept again. But before that could happen, I heard a faint chuckle from Sebby.

(Another time skip yes I lazy)

I woke up with scent of tea. My specialty Earl Gray. I skipped towards the scent and found everyone there, sitting around their table. Talking about me. I stood beside Levi. And asked "Can I help you kill the titans? Besides I have some valuable information about titans." While looking at Erwin. I turned into my chibi form and my chibi form was crying which made it harder for him to say no. "Ok but we'll test you before." I knew he struggled inside. Mission success.

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