[14] it is what it is

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"Yoongi, please have a talk with me," Jimin whines as they both got inside the car. "Why are you really angry?" They reached their place but Yoongi still haven't said a thing. "I said I'm sorry. For the ninth time, Yoongi."

Jimin slumps down on Yoongi's bed, having him to be kicked off as a result. "I'm gonna sleep. Stop whining."

But Jimin whines even more before sticking out his bottom lip. No, not cute.

"I hate you."

Yoongi's ears perk up as Jimin repeatedly told him he hates him, like, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you so much.

"Say that one more fucking time..."

Jimin shuts his mouth and pulls on Yoongi's shirt, frowning a little as he stares at the older's back.

"Are you angry because I didn't let you kiss me? Or are you angry because I sat down beside Hoseok hyung?"


Jimin knows how much Yoongi was frowning as he converse with Hoseok earlier this day.

"You should've told me to sit down beside you then, but you didn't even look at me and now you're blaming me for it?"

"Shut it."

"Hoseok hyung told me to sit beside him so I did," with an eyebrow raised, it's obvious Jimin is challenging the older. "He was fun to hang out with, but of course I prefer hanging out with you if you could've just made an effort."

Yoongi tries to listen though as of now he's very annoyed of the boy's nonstop blabbering. He's too tired already.

"And since we live in the same place I guess it won't be bad if I stay away a little, right? They might find out what we've been doing and I don't like that."

They might find out what we've been doing and I don't like that.

Yoongi sat upright and went to his cabinet to get some clothes to change into. He wouldn't have heard the last one if he stood up earlier, then it wouldn't lead to him wanting to punch the younger.

But Jimin doesn't know that the other guys are informed already.

Yoongi stays calm.

"Say something. You're always turning your back on me."

"Say something... You think it's fun talking and listening to you about your Hoseok hyung? Well then, expect no ear to listen at all."

"Please, Yoongi-"

"I don't want you to hang out with him because he likes you, Jimin! I know he isn't really trying to take you away from me, but all I know is that I'm jealous. And moreover, you pay him respect more than me. Now please, don't bother me and leave me alone for a while."


Because Yoongi is taking too much time inside the bathroom, and Jimin doesn't dare enter, the latter decides to visit Jeongguk and Taehyung who just lives nearby in the same village.

Just as the boy enters with heavy gaze and footsteps, the two knows something is off.

"I'm sad," Jimin greets after closing the door behind him. He can hear running of water, which he suppose is Mrs. Kim washing the dishes. They run up the stairs and inside the first room by the left, soon throwing themselves in the bed. "Yoongi hyung doesn't talk to me."

"Kookie, he's being ignored," Taehyung whispers into Jeongguk's ears, which then is returned by a frown.

"I don't know what the problem is. So what did you do?"

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