100 - Lynx

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#100 - Lynx

First Appearance: Robin #1 (Jan. 1991)

"Next time, bird boy..." ~Lynx

Lynx began her comics career as a talent member of an Asian gang in Gotham, but her role soon became important in the long-brewing story of the King Snake, a villain who put Lynx and her gang of Ghost Dragons in his employ. Lynx starts out as a low-level lieutenant in the gang, but over time she climbs to the right-hand of King Snake; her battles with Tim Drake and Batman also increased in intensity and ferocity during her ascent. Lynx was an interesting villain in that she had more animosity for Robin than Batman himself. In fact, she even helped Batman during No Man's Land, maintaining order with her Ghost Dragons and helping to bring a child killer to justice.

Lynx ended up being a sadly misused villain; during the War Crimes story arc, she was accidentally killed. When Infinite Crisis happened, Superboy-Prime's wall-punches erased this event and restored her to life, but sadly she was once again killed by Batgirl (Cassandra Cain, during her weird crazy Deathstroke acolyte phase). As a decent villain and one of the few Asian women characters in comics, Lynx could've been useful in helping to expand the diversity of DC, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Greatest Lynx Story Ever Told: Robin #2 - The issue where a lot of Lynx's origin takes place. King Snake puts Lynx in charge of one unit of the Ghost Dragons after her boyfriend is killed, pinning the blame on Robin in the process.

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