87 - Firebug

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#87 - Firebug
First Appearance: Batman #318 (Dec 1979)

"To me, you're just easy kindling, Bug." ~Firefly

Firebug... why the heck would such a D-list two-big arsonist make my list? Because, in the pantheon of rivalries, there's aren't many between two villains, and frankly, the rivalry between Firefly and Firebug is pretty damn funny. Two arsonists, one well-known and one utterly forgotten, one vying for supremacy and one already at the top of the game... there's really not such a heated rivalry in Gotham like this. Every time Firebug shows up, he's pretty much after one thing: proving himself to be the greater pyromaniac than Firefly. Also, every time he shows up anymore, he appears to die in a massive explosion... only to return later on and do the exact same thing.

Firebug is amazing because you really don't get enough interactions between villains in the Batman universe, and every time they happen it tends to be a really fresh and original experience. Having minor characters develop rivalries and relationships helps to really deepen the world of Gotham City, creating layers of context that flavor every interaction. After all, not everything can be about Batman and his group versus the Rogues Gallery. There needs to be some balance, some give and take, some dissension within the ranks that keeps the tale of Gotham unpredictable. It seems only reasonable that two villains with similar motifs would end up going at each other constantly, and throwing them in a powder keg with Batman at the center just makes it even better.

Greatest Firebug Story Ever Told: Detective Comics #690 - Chuck Dixon tells the quintessential FIrebug vs. Firefly story, with Batman, Robin and all of Gotham trapped in the crossfire. Fun stuff.

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