98 - Lady Vic

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#98 - Lady Vic
First Appearance: Nightwing #4 (Jan. 1997)

"Bad shot. I was aiming for the pupil and hit the cornea." ~Lady Vic

Lady Vic began her comics career as a Nightwing villain, but she's since become a great all-purpose Gotham-based mercenary. Her backstory is relatively simple; a British aristocrat, her family comes from a long line of soldiers for hire, and she's no exception. Despite such a basic history, she's an intriguing character. Her attitude is always very blaise and carefree; she doesn't come at anyone with particular vengeance and would in fact always prefer to be relaxing somewhere nice with a glass of wine and a warm bed rather than fighting. Even so, her fighting skills are extremely impressive and she has an outfit that really helps... accentuate... her technique. Her weapon skills vary from marksmanship to hand-to-hand, and she's quick to do what it takes to get the job done... even jumping out of a plane without a parachute once while chasing Black Canary.

Several of her cases lead her into battle with a wide array of Batman-based characters. She tangled with Oracle's Birds of Prey several times, including once in Gorilla City as she was trying to procure a gorilla heart for Blockbuster; she's fought Nightwing while in the employ of both Blockbuster and his rival Torque; she's taken on Batman repeatedly, usually as a hired hand for a mob lieutenant but also as an assistant to Black Mask once. She's even fought both against and alongside the Secret Six, depending on the situation. Despite the constant change of allegiances, she always is quick with a sarcastic quip or a barbed insult at whoever gets in her way... or even those paying her. All in all, like Zeiss, she's the sort of great assisting villain you want to see give Batman and co. a decent challenge.

Greatest Lady Vic Story Ever Told: Secret Six #25-28: "The Reptilian Brain" - Lady Vic joins a temporary Secret Six led by Jeannette and Bane alongside Dwarfstar, Giganta and King Shark in order to invade the land of Skartaris. Not a Batman story (although it features a lot of Batman-baddies), but easily one of the great villain-centered storylines that we've come to expect from Secret Six. Vic handles herself well as the team proves entertainingly dysfunctional.

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