Chapter 7

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"Alright! I am very excited to see what everyone has come up with today. I'll give you a couple of minutes for last minute brush-ups," Ms.Sonia cheerfully told us. We all split up in groups scattering about the spacious room. I walked toward Vicky, where Aisha was already seated. They were huddled and whispering together. I could tell Vicky was tense. A plan change?

Aisha spoke to me, "Plan change! Ariya, you got to perform alone okay? Okay." Hold up, rewind, repeat! Perform alone? I raised my eyebrow in question. "Yeah, you cannot perform with us. God knows how you'll mess us up. Right, Vicky?" His eyes dropped to the floor, avoiding mine. "Both you and Meera are the same. I don't need any of you." Had she completely lost it? She was kicking me out of a group project minutes before we presented. This was a group effort and a group grade. I couldn't let my grade suffer, especially since this will make or break my final average. I looked towards Vicky for support. He was a lost puppy, out of place in this conversation.

"Vicky, why don't you say anything? We are doing this together."

He slightly hesitated, "Ariya, I am sorry, but we aren't doing this together. Honestly, Aisha is a better than you. A better dancer, a better singer, and way more prettier." Vicky spit the bitter words at me. He abruptly left and escaped towards to the other side of the classroom.

Aisha smirked at me, "So much for being with the new kid. Vicky's mine." She winked and left the scene as well. Vicky belonged to her?

Tears welled up in my eyes, my mind registering what just happened. I was just kicked out of our act, something I put a lot of effort in. Worst of all, Vicky words hit me directly in the heart. Aisha is a better than you. A better dancer, a better singer, and way more prettier. The truth dawned upon me. The texts, the compliments, the feelings, the proposal for crying out loud, it was all fake. He didn't mean any of it. He used me to get to Aisha. How could I be so stupid? What guy would want me? All of them wanted Aisha because she is the better one. Vicky was no different. The way he acted around me wasn't what he felt. He wanted to be with Aisha. What I saw in the hallway yesterday was his true face. I should've realized this before. It was my stupidity that I listened to him and believed him. He didn't like me, he used me.

A knife was being repeatedly stuck into me. Not only Vicky, but Aisha turned her back on me. She oh so suddenly decided to kick me out? This was not what I expected of her. Both of you are the same. I don't need any of you. She doesn't need us? We've been together for years, our diaper days to be exact. Something was fishy with her after her fight with Meera, I knew it. There had to be bigger picture that I couldn't put my finger on. Nonetheless, her actions weren't justified. She was cutting me off for Vicky. Aisha had pulled the last string with him. She knew! She knew I liked Vicky, she was the first one I told, but she went all flirty on him and caught him in her trap. They are perfect for each other I guess. I was the not so perfect one.

This thought got the better of me and I ran out the room, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. I was broken inside, my heart shattered to pieces. I cried out at my foolishness. It was all my fault. Vicky and Aisha wanted to be together, I was the one in the way. And now, they had taken care of that, too. I was done with both of them. Aisha is still my best friend, I'd rather remember the good times we had than her betrayal. As for Vicky, he would have to fade away to a minuscule memory.

Should I talk to Ms.Sonia? I could tell her the truth and what happened. However, I didn't want to rat them out. Just because they were unjust with me doesn't mean I be a bitch to them. I could perform something else to get the grade, without telling her. I'll tell Meera after her performance as well. It wasn't right to worry her with my problems when she was practicing for her own. I would figure this out, on my own. I wiped my river of tears and got up to fight my battle.

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