Chapter 10

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A week later, Meera, Aisha, and I got ready for the dance together at my place. While Ryan was Meera's date and Vicky mine, Aisha had decided to go without a date. That worked because Aisha does not need a partner by her side to make her look beautiful. We were going to meet up with the guys outside school, where we were going to enter together.

Aisha wore a white gown that had net over the neck with some gold work. She gave her hair a small puff from the top, pinned it in the back, and curled the bottom. She accessorized with small gold earrings and a ring with white heels. Her makeup lightened up her face and added to her ravishing look. She was ready for the red carpet!

Meera wore a gray, halter neck dress, bejeweled with silver and black beads. She maintained her brands with black Gucci heels and a Michael Kor watch, but at the same time kept her simplicity by minimizing on the accessories. She wore no jewelry, black eyeliner, and lipstick. Aisha advised her to keep her naturally straight hair open, which she happily did. Her inner beauty shined in her simple yet party appropriate look.

I was dressed in a purple tube dress. Designs in yellow, blue, pink, and orange covered the entire thing. Even I decided to keep it simple by going for no makeup and no accessories. I kept a yellow clutch that had HAPPY written on it to hold our dance tickets and phones. To complete the look, I wore nude stilettos.

We clicked some pictures outside once we were ready. We posed to show off our dresses, standing together in a line. By the flowers, by the fountain, by the door, we didn't leave any location to add to our collection of pictures.

"We look like three divas," Meera spoke with attitude.

"The three musketeers!" Aisha added.

"The three best friends," I smiled.

Vicky and Ryan were waiting for us when we arrived. They whistled when they saw the three of us.

"Omg, look at you girls," Ryan said. He himself was dressed in a royal blue coat and pants. He left a couple buttons on his white shirt open and wore black formal shoes. So handsome, I winked at Meera.

"You guys look hot!" Vicky commented. He had on a formal pink shirt and gray pants with black shoes.

"Besharam ladke (shameless boys)," I couldn't believe their guts.

We all hugged each other and met up with the rest of our classmates. Everyone was dressed up so nicely, with all the heels and blazers. It was especially surprising to see those who normally dressed super casual in sophisticated outfits.

"Please proceed inside the hall with your ticket." Ms.Sonia guided everyone, she was chaperoning the dance.

Vicky held my hand as we walked in. "You look gorgeous," he whispered in my ear.

I beamed, "And you look very fine yourself."

Meera and Ryan were talking to each other as well, hand in hand as they walked in behind us.

I was amazed to see the decorations. The cafeteria was completely transformed from an ordinary lunch room to a happening party. Black, white, blue, and silver balloons covered the entire ceiling. The DJ was set up towards the front and the dance floor was lit up. Behind him were in huge balloons BJHS for Benjamin Franklin High School. In the back were round tables to sit, decorated with more balloons. Tables lined the wall filled with chips, muffins, drinks, and pizza. The courtyard was open for fresh air and in the hallway was a photo booth.

A crowd got denser and people started filling the dance floor. "Let's get this party started," spoke the DJ. "Everyone on the dance floor."

I realized Vicky had disappeared from my side. Meera and Ryan were helping themselves to the food along with our other friends. I scanned the dance floor to find Aisha smack in the middle of the circle. She led the crowd with her moves. "Spread out!" she screamed and everyone did just that. She was the life of the party. And she claims she can't dance?

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