Chapter 21

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"Raj Sinha," he sat in a chair in my office.

"Vicky Saxena, pleased to meet you."

His dark eyes and perfect posture were prominent aspects of his physical appearance. His voice consisted of a lively personality despite the formal tone. We worked out the details of the event, covering how things would play out.

"Alright, we have everything set then. Thank you for your time." He was almost out the door when I succumbed to my inner voice. "How's Ariya?"

"Do you know her?"

"We used to be friends at one point."

"That's interesting. No wonder Ariya insisted we give the contract to your company." He paused, "I'm meeting up with her right now, why don't you join us?"

I contemplated his offer. Is there a confrontation due? Well, she left many unanswered questions yet is responsible for this contract. "I'll meet you there," I finally said. I would find out the relationship between Ariya and Raj as well.

Alisha crossed my way as I exited my cabin. "Have you finally left your den to see the light of the world?"

"No," I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to officially sign the deal to be the face of Starbucks. They are in love with me and begging for me to take the offer."

"You are blind to see who's in love with you," she deadpanned.

"Well...I'm going to meet Ariya if that helps."

This time she rolled her eyes, "Ariya! Ariya! Ariya!" She pushed past me into my cabin as I stood there. She was wasn't sardonic as her usual self yet she hid whatever was really going on in that mind of hers through layers of sarcasm.

Exiting the building, I hailed a cab to Culture Expresso. Apparently Ariya had been in the city to do some shopping. How long have Ariya and Raj known each other? I didn't want to assume anything, but I couldn't help the thoughts that consumed me.

I joined Raj inside. He was a decent man quite obvious in his conversation. We were discussing politics when Ariya walked in sunglasses over her eyes, hands filled with shopping bags.

She dropped them all down and gave Raj a tight hug. "Kala Chashma sajda tere gore mukde pe." She winked in response. "Look at the surprise I brought for you," he indicated towards me.

“Vicky,” she let out a breath.

“Hey,” I smiled from my seat.

She stared at me for a good minute before flashing a huge smile at me. She plopped herself on a chair. “How are you?”

“Great! And you?”

“May I take your order?” a waiter interrupted.

“A black coffee please,” I told him.

Raj ordered a capaccino. “And may I get you anything?” he asked Ariya.

“Mocha,” Raj and I spoke in unison. She looked between the both of us and nodded.

“I know you,” I quipped.

“Well I obviously don’t know you enough. Black coffee?”

“It’s a great supporter when running a company. Alisha thinks I should just sign up as the face of Starbucks,” we shared a laugh.

“You and Raj met right?”

“Yes, we had our meeting at my office. Everything’s been worked out.”

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