Chapter 20

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It had been almost a month since the wedding had been completed and Meera had forever left us behind to begin a new phase of her life in California. She sent me updates, though they became less frequent day by day. I couldn't blame her for she was busy in her married life.

I was back at the studio. I spent all my time there running the various dance classes we offered. I had taken over the groups Meera taught as well. All was good until Aisha walked in on a Friday evening.

She was nervous, a trait peculiar to her, yet excitement gleamed in her eyes. We sat down in my office with some coffee. "I need to expand this studio. I mean I know Meera is opening another branch in Cali; however, I think we can broaden our horizon here as well. I need agents to get us shows that we can perform at. Also, the annual show is nearing, so I have to really start putting things together for that -"

"I have a boyfriend," Aisha suddenly spoke. I stopped midrant and stared at her. "I, Aisha Khan, have a serious boyfriend."

My mouth hung open. "The Aisha Khan, the believer of flings and nothing serious has a boyfriend?" She nodded affirmative.

"Wait! Why don't I know about this?" I fumed.

She looked at me apolegitcally, "Well, it started out as a fling, but then our paths started crossing a lot. He owns a fashion company. He proposed I join his company through my latest clothing line which he would launch. I said yes because that was an amazing offer and will prove to be a great distributer for my products. We started hanging out a lot and I don't know exactly when it became more than just a professional relationship."

"This is Purab Khanna we are talking about right?" I recalled the man she had first mentioned a couple months ago. "Oh my god, Aisha!!! You're in love!" I squealed. A blush crept up her cheeks. "And you're blushing! Did you confess?"

"He did first. We were out for dinner and he just said it. I couldn't reply..."

"Because Aisha doesn't settle."

"Right. But then when we were away for the wedding, I realized I missed him."

"And you wanted to be with him."

"Yea," she sighed.

"Are you happy?" Honestly, this was beneficial for Aisha after her world was shaken with the death of her parents. She had trust and commitment issues, barriers that protected her in this tough world. She didn't let anyone in, except for the new man in her life. She needed the love and support and it's great that she finally allowed someone to do that.

"Yes." And that was all that mattered, even though she NEVER TOLD ME.

"Who would've thought I'd date Purab Khanna, my stooge in high school." Purab did go to BJHS with us and helped Aisha in her schemes. Life had a funny way of turning around. Aisha deserved the world and I couldn't have been happier for her.

We closed up the studio, locking it outside."So, what about you? There's a guy visiting you tonight."

I fiddled with my purse, "Yeah, there's a guy coming tonight."

"Good luck! Maybe this one will turn out right."

"We shall see about that," I sighed.

We sat in our respective cars to return home. When I had told Vicky I'd marry someone at the wedding, I wasn't half lying, much to my mother's pleasure. Over the past month, three such suitors had come to visit. They were either too uptight, too boring or too weird. In short, they had all been rejected.

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