Chapter 2 ~ Lost

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Uni's Pov

I woke up early in the morning. The blinding sun just reaching the MountainTop. I look at kitty. She's fast asleep. I get off her lap and pull the what's left of the blanket over her with my teeth. I let out a wolf like sigh. What have i done. I walk over to the cave entrance and just looked at the sunrise. The oranges, the reds, the pinks mixed together looks so beautiful. It's been awhile since i have a good look at the sunrise... or the sunset at that matter. I sigh again. Maybe me and chloe can enjoy the sunset or the sunrise soon, together. Rolling around in dirt, in the grass. At the greenplace maybe. I turn around at look at kitty. She stirs, she's going to wake up soon. I shake my head and turn back towards the sunrise.

'What have i done?...... What will i do now?' those two questions has been swimming in my mind all night. I have hardly had any sleep. I feel a hand on my head. I look up, its kitty, she's looking at the sunrise.

"I guess you heard what i said last night?" i ask her unsure. silence.......

"Yea......" she answers me after a long silence and not turning away from the sunrise to look at me. I nod then I hear my stomach rumble.

"Hey kitty?"

"Yes ui?"

I want to say 'I'm hungry' but i can't bring myself to say it, i just wanna get back to chloe, she's probably think that i hate her now.

"Can we go back please" i ask her. She laughs

" i thought you were going to say that you're hungry" she says still laughing. I start laughing too. Her laughter dies down and mine too. She gets up packs the blanket back in her bag and puts it on her back, picks up her gun and her sword, sets them up and walks back over to me.

"Ready to go?" i ask her, she nods. We head out.

~~~~~~~~~~~4 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Still in Uni's Pov)

"HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND YOUR WAY???????" I Yell at kitty, she is looking at the pipboy on her arm and tapping it frankly.

" I Don't know. I mean i put in the coordinates of the base and followed the compass correctly, we should be there very soon!" she yells back. We have been walking for about 4 days now. We should have made it back about 1 or 2 days ago.

"Look, uni, we still have 2 more days before adam sends a search party and knowing him it's probably like 3 days" she calls out to me. I huff and fall into a heap on the ground. The sun is beating down on me, my fur keeps me warm but now i just want it off. My metal parts are just attracting the heat. I hear Kitty Sigh. my vision is blurry with the waves of heat coming off the ground, dancing in the distance. I see kitty walk over to me and pours some water on me. The heat disappears for a moment, just enough time for me to get up and slowly make a dash over to a cave entrance a couple of meters away from where i was laying. I hear Kitty laughing and following me into the cave. I lay down in the cool shade. I watch kitty move around the cave with a torch and studies the walls of the cave. She then walks into the middle of the cave and pints the torch up. The ceiling is very high and the space in the cave is very big. I see her smile. I smile. I watch her set up a fire and then she walks over to the cave entrance. I walk over to her and we look at the sunset together in silence.

" i wanna get back to chloe" i finally say, 'i feel lonely without her' i want to say but i don't. Kitty nods her head.

" well i want to get back to the gang, to my brother..... To Cory" she says, she sounds very sad.

" We better get away from the cave entrance, it looks like it's going to rain. We back away from the entrance.

Everyone is afraid of the waste land rain. The acid in the water, the radiation in the water is lethal. Only gouls go out when it's raining, the only good thing about it is that it doesn't last long. About 4-5 hours at the most then it doesn't come back for about 4-5 mounts. I hope the tents are alright but i'm sure that daniel has it covered, i mean he's been at this for about 5 or 7 years? Almost i think. I snape out of my thoughts and i have a look at kitty, it's nearly dark enough that you can't see your nose almost but Kitty has a fire going. I see her get a sleeping bag out and a blanket for me and she puts her weapons next to her bag. She then walks up to me.

"hey uni? Do you know what we are right now?" she asks me.

"No??........." i say cautiously. Kitty always has crazy ideas but they are mostly entertaining.... Somethings.

"Well.... We are LOST BOYS!!!!" she shouts. She dances over to the fire and taps a few things on her pipboy.

(Play Song Now)

Music flows out of the pipboy and she starts dancing. I watch her, studying her every steps, how graceful she glide with very jump, twist and turn she does. She starts to sing to the music.

There was a time when I was alone

With nowhere to go and no place to tall home

My only friend was the man in the moon

But even some time he would go away too

Then on night as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

And told me he wanted to talk for awhile

He said "Peter pan, that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely"

Ever since that day....

I am a lost boy from neverland......

The lyrics flowed out of her mouth, fitting perfectly with the music, the fire danced with her words as she sing and danced around the fire. My eyes start to droop as the soft melody filled my eyes, I fall into a deep sleep................

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now