chapter 21~Cory and Chloe

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~Cory's Pov~

There was a day where everything went dark. The birds stopped singing and they disappeared. The wind stops howling and it began to stand still. That day, the world went into jeperdy. The sirens started and the shelters started fulling up. This is known as doomsday, The day the bombs fell.
That day, the Whole world was destroyed. That day, everything fell. That day, everything we know, love and even hated... was gone

I wake up.


Walking around the base, gives me a safe feeling but also a feeling that i'm Being watched. Just the other day I saw nightcrawler walking... sorry... sneeking around like a cat, stalking it's prey.

I walk into the control room. Kitty's brother hasn't slept well since she got taken, same with me accually. I walk over to him.
"Hey... how are you holding up?" He says. His voice sounds tired and he has bags under his eyes.
I shrug "Same as you, by the looks of it" he smiles a bit. One of the only smiles that we have seen since she was taken.
"You got that right..." he says. He looks at the control panel.
"Have you seen where nick and Adam is?" I ask,
he shrugs "Nick is probably in the kitchen raiding the cupboards again, Adam might be in the armory or weponds room"
"Thanks" I say and I walk out of the room and head down the corridor to the kitchen. If anyone can chear me up its nick with his annoying Ness or Adam with his... um.. something that I haven't really throught about.
I walk into the lichen and sure enough Nick is raiding the cupboards. Terra is leaning against the counter trying to get him to stop but by the looks of it. She doesn't really care right now.
"Hey guys" I say, leaning against the doorframe.
Terra looks at me "Hey Cory... how are you?"
"Terrible, tired, worried and want to beat the shit out of whoever took Her" I say, not moving a mussel and keeping a straight face.
Terra smiles "is that right..." she looks at nick "Nick... Nick...Nick... NICK" she shouts the last nick, to get nicks attention.
He jumps a bit and looks at her "Don't shout woman... unless you found bottle caps..." he looks at me "Cory! How are you buddy? Got any more caps for me? Or mushroom stew?"
I smile a bit. Nick and his caps and his mushrooms stew adiction always puts a smile on my face... unless he goes on and on about it which gets really annoying. Kitty's wouldn't think so...
Terra sighs "Cory. I know you are thinking about her but stop worrying ok. Daniel is doing everything he can to find her"
I sigh and shake my head "I know that but... I just can't help it"
"I know you love her but where ever she is. She knows that you guys are doing everything you can to find her, uni and chloe
"But what if they killed her already? Or they separated her from uni and chloe?"
"Cory I will slap you and I'm not afraid to. Kitty, uni and Chloe are ok. And if you stop thinking about the 'what if's then it will help you find them and it will clear your mind"
I sigh, Terra is right "your right... I'm gonna go and see Adam and Eli now... you too have fun ok"
Terra nods but nick has already gone back to raiding the cupboards and mumbling about caps and mushroom stew.
I walk away from the kitchen and down to the weponry room. "Adam? Eli you in here?"
A shout from the back room "Cory! We are in here" I walk over to the back room and open the door. Adam and Eli are cleaning some guns.
"Hey guys..." I say
Eli looks at me "hey Cory, you ok?"
I shrug "is guess... how about you two?"
Adam shrugs "okay... we just got word about a raid that we need to set up for in a few days"
I nod "sounds exciting"
Eli nods "you should come! It will take your mind off things" she smiles.
"Maybe" I say and I check the time "I'll see you guys later ok"
Adam nods "see our later man"
Eli waves then goes back to cleaning the guns.
I walk out of the weponry room and then walk down the corridor. Hands in my pockets and shoulders slouched. This is my life now, finding kitty and everyone else. Keeping them close to me then having them taken from me to soon.
When I find kitty... I'm Never letting her out of my sight again


~Chloe's pov~

I pace around the small cave. I'm getting really worried about Uni and kitty... they should be back by now. I sit down and watch the stars outside. I hope that we are back at the base before the pups come. I really hope so.

Wolves And A Cat  ~K.U.C~  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now